Benefit Gimme Brow Eyebrow Gel - Beauty Review


Gimme Brow Eyebrow Gel

Light Medium

Rp. 319.080



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19 - 24

Dry, Medium Light, Cool

09 Jan 2019

menurut aku ini salah 1 brow mascara yang lumayan bagus karena bener2 bs bikin bulu2 alis aku stay di tempat seharian dan warna nya juga cukup keluar. cm bandingin isi dan harganya merasa kurang worth😂. tp sampe saat ini belum ketemu sih brand lain yg emg bs bikin bulu2 alis aku stay di tempat seharian selain brand ini.



35 - 39

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

24 Feb 2016

suka , karena sikatnya kecil dan halus , pas untuk fill in eye brow.tapi saying , utk tone light medium nya di aku masih terlalu tua dan ga terlalu pigmented .boros juga sih pake benefit ini , daily use , produk ini cuma bisa dipakai 2 blnan , dan harganya cukup mahal yah buat aku



19 - 24

Combination, Medium, Warm

25 Jan 2016

Aku termasuk yg punya alis tebal, kalau pake pensil alis terlalu ribet dan kadang jatuhnya gak natural.
But, stelah ketemu eyebrow ini langsung jatuh cinta banget hehe
Aplicatornya yg mini memudahkan kita untuk apply di alis tanpa takut berantakan.
Hasilnya juga natural.
Sayang, harganya kemahalan hehe



19 - 24

Oily, Medium Light, Warm

28 Dec 2015

Its so expensive with small quantity of products. Eventhough benefit one of my favorite brands, i do think this brow tint is too overrated. Yes it has great finish, not sticky and precise wand, but lot of drugstore product have the same finish as this one



18 and Under

Normal, Light, Neutral

12 Dec 2015

My favourite brow gel EVER! pertama kali nyobain waktu abis brow wax di benefit dan langsung jatuh cinta. it comes in with a really small 'wand' so it's all about precision. it gives a very natural finish. love this product <3



30 - 34

Combination, Medium, Neutral

25 Nov 2015

produk ini pricey tapi sangat affordable untuk alisku yang cukup tebal. aplikator nya mini jadi gampang banget buat ngerapiin alis tanpa takut cemong. hasil akhir nya pun sangat natural. loveee this product!



30 - 34

Oily, Medium, Warm

16 Nov 2015

A super duper brow mascara. Easy to use even for a beginner. this mascara can filling those spare brow and make it look natural. Blend easily without sticky texture, drawing eyebrow never have been so easy



19 - 24

Combination, Medium Dark, Neutral

05 Nov 2015

awalnya aku pikir &quot;whaaat cuma segede gini???&quot;
tapi pas aku pake, well it's worthy.
cocok banget buat eyebrow yang super natural
ga terlalu tegas tapi keliatan berisi
cocok banget apalagi yang buat alisnya udah tebel dan berbentuk
hasilnya udah kaya artis-artis gitu deh pokonya
well its damn good quality



19 - 24

Dry, Medium Light, Neutral

25 Oct 2015

I wanted to love this, but it's just an average brow gel.
Secara price, ini mahal. Karena isinya dikit banget (dibanding sama drugstore product yang kupakai sekarang)
Kelebihannya, brushnya kecil banget.. jadi lebih presisi somehow. Tapi kalo udah jago, spoolie kegedean juga ga masalah.
It does a decent job at tinting them, and right after I apply I have a nice natural look. Only suitable buat yang alisnya lumayan tebel, kalo alismu tipis jangan buang-buang uang buat beli ini :D



40 - 44

Normal, Medium, Warm

24 Sep 2015

This brow mascarais definitely a must-have daily item for those who don't want very thick brows or already have medium-thick brows. Or in my case, too lazy to use pencil, powder or whatever any form make-up brow that need careful application and practice. Just swipe the mascara brush, and you're ready to go. You could apply it anywhere- even in the car without worrying it might be drwan out of your brow line- yes, it's that easy. The only downside: pricey!
