Nudestix Eyebrow stylush pencil & gel - Beauty Review


Eyebrow stylush pencil & gel


Rp. 355.000



4 users

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19 - 24

Combination, Medium, Warm

14 Feb 2022

Nadhirahma doesn't recommend this product!

Dari packaging ini gede bulky gitu kurang suka. But untuk productnya so-so. The pencil side there is nothing special about it, it does the job well and thats it. Untuk bagian browcaranya, suka sih bener bener nge hold alis aku yang rada bandel. Tapi dia lama lama jadi cruchy gitu terutama kalau habis kena air (i.e wudhu) and the smell kinda funky. It is not worth the price

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Shopee



18 and Under

Normal, Medium Light, Neutral

27 Apr 2019

I liked the color (mine is actually in the shade black brown), but at that time I didn’t know miniso has the similar color with cheaper price tag, I kinda regretted my impulsive purchase.
BUT THE BROW GEL IS AMAZING, it has the best staying power imo. I heard they’re going to sell the brow gel itself so I am excited about it and definitely going to buy that.



19 - 24

Normal, Light, Neutral

09 Jul 2018

meirizkadnsh recommends this product!

super duper recommend product ini karena bagus banget. seneeng bgtt sama eyebrow ini soalnya udh 2 in 1, jd kalo travelling enak. pensil alisnya gak terlalu lembek tp ga keras juga jd enaak dan si brow gelnya bagus bgt!! dia bening dan nahan bulu alis bgtt parah!! sebenernya coba yang brown black cuman gaada di app ini huhu

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Sephora Online



35 - 39

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

23 Jun 2018

Ini pertama kali nyoba pensil alis yg stylush. Klo beauty advisornya gak ajarin mungkin gw gak teracunin beli ini eyebrow stylush. Harganya lumayan pricey cuman suka bgt ma pegangan pen yg enak digenggam jadi pas ngframing juga enak. Eyebrow gel juga okey utk type style alis yg brushy. Warna brow keliatan natural dan awet bgt. Packagingnya juga okey and bermanfaat bgt buat mini beauty case soalny udh ada kacanya.