Glossier Brow Flick - Beauty Review


Brow Flick


Rp. 18



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25 - 29

Oily, Light, Warm

20 Apr 2021

aisyahadiani recommends this product!

This thing is be-you-tee-ful!!!! Seriously no joke, it creates the most natural strokes in the most possible way and it lasted the whole day (even through showers if I forgot to wipe my eyebrow with micellar water). I have bought my second one for back up cause I am sooooo impressed I’m so afraid to run out of this thing! Its not like the other brow pen at all (and I’ve tried so many). It all started when I was about to go on vacation for honeymoon with my husband and I thought about how much hassle it would be if I had to put a full on makeup everytime we go anywhere and I don’t feel secure for not wearing any eyebrow or lip product so I had to find the perfect brow pen (I was using Kpalette before but it gets dried so easily I am so annoyed, and the ABH one is too bold not as natural as this one). I accidentally clicked on Kathleen Light’s video raving about this product she said she doesnt need any brow products but this aaaaand I AM SOLD. It is exactly the way I want it to be. It stays put. I don’t use any makeup on my honeymoon, just my skincare, lip tint, and this. And my eyebrow still on fleek until I woke up in the morning. I am so shooked. Not to mention the shade is just purrrrfect on my dark haired but very sparsed brow. I have used this since early february and hasn’t dried up at all. Good job Glossier!

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Tokopedia



25 - 29

Combination, Light, Neutral

20 Nov 2020

piridili recommends this product!

Cinta banget sama Brow Flick. Warna coklatnya cool gelap bukan yang kemerahan gitu, suka. Pertama pakai, masih lumayan kikuk, tapi lama-lama kebiasa juga. Bagus banget buat bikin bushy brows yang full dan terkesan “real”. Tahan lama juga padahal aku cenderung oily, tapi dia gak pudar apalagi ilang. Bisa sampe seharian, alisku tetep bushy, hihi. Ini udah bulan ke-6 aku pakai, belum abis dan kering tintanya.. kudos to the packaging yang pasti gak murahan jadi produknya gak cepat kering. Bisa awet karna aku pakai dia untuk ngisi alis dengan menggambar hair-strokes di bagian depan (sprout) dan ujung alis. Kalau bagian tengah, cuma beberapa aja. Alisku lumayan tipis dan look yang selalu aku buat itu natural bushy brows.

Usage Period : 6 months - 1 year

Purchase Point : Shopee



25 - 29

Normal, Light, Neutral

14 Jun 2020

raissasabrina recommends this product!

I used to love the same product from Catrice cuma Catrice kayak too pigmented. Kalau glossier ini kayak... tipis tapi ada gitu! Biasanya pakai boy brow dulu baru pake ini buat nutupin yang agak botak-botak gitu. Dia tahan lama juga dan sweatproof.

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Tokopedia



30 - 34

Oily, Light, Neutral

27 Apr 2020

aulfrnsca recommends this product!

I love the concept of this product, sayangnya butuh latihan agar terbiasa sama produk ini. Warnanya oke gak “kemerahan”. For me produk ini bisa dipake untuk draw some brow hair strokes, dan as an eyeliner! Warnanya natural banget i love it as an eyeliner. Or if you want bisa dipake untuk draw freckles juga.

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Shopee



19 - 24

Oily, Medium Light, Neutral

19 Feb 2020

soyImani recommends this product!

Detailing brow pen with just the right colour, beats anything else on the market kalau untuk buat hair strokes dan feathery brows bagus bangetsss. PROS: -Warnanya cokelat tapi ga kemerahan. -Applicatornya itu brush super tipis, jd bukan kaya marker gt yang gampang kering. -Produknya selalu teraplikasi dengan rata ga bolong2. -Menurutku ini user friendly, aku sama sekali gabisa bikin alis tapi pake ini first try langsung lumayan lah krn ujung applicatornya tipis bgt jd keliatan where it’ll stain. -Smudgeproof dan keringnya lumayan cepet. -Kalau bikin strokes terlalu dekat krn keringnya cepet jadi ga lumer meleleh jd satu gt loh, tetep keliatan kepisah2. CONS: -Ya gausah ditanya lah, harganya haha PLIIISS brand lokal buat dupenya donggg

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point : Shopee