Tarte Cosmetics Maracuja C-Brighter Eye Treatment - Beauty Review

Tarte Cosmetics

Maracuja C-Brighter Eye Treatment

Rp. 500.000



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25 - 29

Combination, Light, Cool

28 Nov 2019

fennysetiadi recommends this product!

Beli ini iseng2 di sephora US package. Lupa dapet apa aja, salah satu dapet ini yg ukuran kecil. Lama tidak pernah aku coba, waktu lgi pingin pakai eyecream karena mulai takut keriput dll, inget punya ini jadi coba eyecream ini. This is first time aku pake eyecream. Dan aku merasa dia hydrate banget di lingkaran mata aku. Sedikit mencerahkan juga mataku. Tpi mmg aku tidak ada kantung mata yg mengganggu, jdi kurang bisa review untuk mencerahkan bawah mata.
Cukup untuk pakai 1 bulanan si kecil yg aku dapat dri package itu.

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Sephora Online



25 - 29

Oily, Medium Light, Warm

31 Jul 2018

aku nyoba travel size nya:) aku coba rajinin make nya cukup melembabkan dan enaknya cepet bgt nyerep tapi sepertinya tidak memberikan efek apa apa ke mata pandaku:( kalo untuk kerutan si so so aja tp yg kusuka dia baunya gamacem macem + ceper nyerep dan emang enak dipake sebelum make up ? Repurchase? sepertinya tidak



19 - 24

Combination, Medium, Neutral

23 Jun 2018

coba yang trial size nya juga. tapi aku rasa kalo eye cream beli yang trial size nya pun ga bakal cepet abis karna eye cream mah dipakenya dikit doang, jadi worth lah ya. belum liat perubahan bikin cerah undereye sih, cuma enak dipakenya teksturnya cream gitu tapi light ga berat samsek. pake cuma malem doang



19 - 24

Combination, Medium Light, Warm

26 Mar 2018

A good eye cream. It brightens my under eye circle, helps with my puffy eyes and makes my eyes look like I have enough sleep! It is so lightweight that I prefer it to be used in my AM skincare routine.



30 - 34

Combination, Medium, Warm

01 Nov 2015

Saya coba trial size-nya Tarte Maracuja C-brighter Eye Treatment ini. Teksturnya creamy tapi cepet meresap ke kulit. Hanya saja kurang berpengaruh ke lingkaran gelap di bawah mata saya.
Kl dipakai sebelum concealer, dia gak bikin cakey sama sekali.



30 - 34

Dry, Medium, Warm

29 Sep 2015

Saya coba eye cream dari tarte yang travel size ukuran 2.5g. menurut saya dari sisi melembabkan eye cream ini cukup bagus. teksturnya agak creamy oily tapi cepat meresap dikulit. hanya saja efek brighteningnya tidak terlalu ngaruh pada dark circle saya.



30 - 34

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

28 Sep 2015

This pricey eye treatment is worth every dime. Just like the holy grail maracuja oil from tarte, it also works wonders. It helps reduces puffiness, fine lines and dark circles. Although it does not work magic over night (you have to use this for a longer period of time to see result). This also moisturizes the eye area. The only downside is its price, and for some people (like me) its jar packaging, karena jadi gak higienis dan ke ekspos dengan udara, might reduce the quality of the product.



19 - 24

Combination, Medium, Warm

16 Sep 2015

Bought the minis together the maracuja oil, this cream is very moisturizing, and in a short period of time (about a week), it really does brighten my undereye area. A small amount goes a very long way, I just have to pat the top of the cream with my finger to get enough for both eyes. I love this eye cream, and I will continue to repurchase and recommend to others.