TIAM Vita Refre-C toner - Beauty Review


Vita Refre-C toner

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19 - 24

Combination, Medium, Neutral

26 Jun 2021

Larastanie_ recommends this product!

This is my first time trying a product from Tiam. The Ti’am Vita Refre-C Toner is a combination between two Vitamin C and E in the form of Toner. They also have interesting packaging, the bottle has two parts, one with the toner, and another with the ascorbic acid powder.

The texture is very thin and watery. The color is clear like a water. I thought the color of the texture would be orange but it came from the bottle. It has a scent from vitamin C powder, but no additional fragrance.

* A skin refreshing toner with pure vitamin C powder and vitamin E.
* Help reset and restore tired, stressed skin for a brighter overall complexion.
* Free from controversial chemicals, suitable for sensitive skin.

How to use:
1. Press the button to release the vitamin C capsule from the cap.
2. Shake the bottle vigorously until the powder is completely dissolved.

I’ve been using it daily in the morning. Because of a thin consistency, so It’s very light and easy to absorb. I usually use this in multiple layers, so it can be hydrating too because of the water-like texture. One pump can be enough to my whole face, it’s like wash your face with water. The texture is not steaky Even though there is a strong stinging feeling when there is a pimple, but i can still hold it.

It really makes my face look brighter every time I use it.
It even hydrates my skin.
This product also have a plump effect to me.

Unfortunately this is causes pimples on my face.

But it looks like i'll continue to wear this to see if it's just purging or not. I hope it's just purging and I'm okay with this product, because I like the brightening result. 🥺

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point : PR Package



19 - 24

Oily, Light, Cool

24 Jun 2021

annisadivi recommends this product!

🌞𝗠𝘆 𝗲𝘅𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲
Awal pemakaian toner ini ada rasa tingling seperti kesemutan sedikit di area rahang sekitar 5 menit baru hilang hal itu aku rasakan sekitar seminggu pertama pemakaian. Sambil tetap memakainya dan mengobservasi masuk pekan kedua pemakaian masih aman dan tidak terasa tingling lagi. Toner ini mudah meresap dan tidak piling jika dilayer dengan moisturizer dan SPF.

Aku selalu rutin menggunakan dipagi hari sebelum SPF bisa menggunakan kapas atau langsung tap-tap ke wajah sekitar 2 layer, yang aku rasakan wajah jadi lebih cerah, supple, dan cepat meredakan kemerahan 😍 tetapi efek mencerahkan dark spot mungkin masih butuh waktu.

Ini pertama kalinya aku menggunakan combo antara vit.c & vit.e dan menurutku produk ini sangat powerful mempercepat produksi collagen 😍

⚠️perlu diingat saat memakai vit.c sebisa mungkin hindari produk aha/bha, retinoid, & benzoyl peroxide yang bisa menonaktifkan keduanya & menimbulkan iritasi.
❄Simpan produk ini dalam lemari es dan tempat yang jauh dari sinar matahari agar memperlambat proses oksidasi.

⭐𝗥𝗮𝘁𝗲 4,5/5

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Gift