PURITO Centella Unscented Toner - Beauty Review


Centella Unscented Toner

Rp. 400.000



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19 - 24

Dry, Medium, Cool

04 Jul 2023

Hanna_jocelyn21 recommends this product!

nyoba beberapa kali, punya kakak gw.. tekstur nya kental, ngelembabin nya dapet banget, soothing nya kerasa.. gak bikin lengket n cepet nyerap ke kulit. setelah pake ini, muka berasa glowing kenyal gitu busett. buat gw ini terlalu mahal untuk ukuran berapa ml, tapi emang harga ga bisa boong. recommended buat yang nyari calming n good toner dengan budget lebih.

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : punya kakak



25 - 29

Oily, Medium, Neutral

04 Mar 2021

arumdwns recommends this product!

It's my first time trying a toner from Purito. Their unscented line is my favorite right now. This toner is an upgraded version of their Green Calming Toner and without essential oils.It contains Centella Asiatica Extract 10%, Sodium Hyaluronate, Panthenol (Vitamin B). These are great ingredients for soothing, relieves irritation of the skin, and strengthens the skin barrier. Other ingredients like Allantoin, Witch Hazel and Portulaca Oleracea Extract.This is a good toner to be used after cleansing. A clear liquid texture with slight viscosity. Almost smell nothing as its formulated without fragrance and essential oils so its a safe toner for you who has sensitive skin. I like to use two layers or more to add hydration.This toner provides enough hydration for my oily skin. It soothes inflamed skin and redness. I don't feel itchy or any uncomfortable feel.The witch hazel isn't key ingredients so it doesn't dry me out, YMMV.If you're a newbie of centella toner, this one is a great toner to start off. Update: This toner contains essential oils, but Purito already renew their formula without Witch Hazel. Remember to always patch test ya

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : PR Package



19 - 24

Oily, Medium Dark, Warm

02 Feb 2021

justforfckngfun recommends this product!

Hydrating toner with calming ability. It has 10% centella extract and a bunch of calming properties from centella as its ingredients. This toner could give me hydration and calming benefits without make my skin greasy. It could calm my acne in days to week. I really enjoyed using this product and would recommend this over Klairs toner. All rounder product without alcohol, and fragrance or even essential oil.

Usage Period : 6 months - 1 year

Purchase Point : Shopee



19 - 24

Combination, Medium Light, Warm

03 Jul 2020

raiyan2803 recommends this product!

Aku penasaran sama green level tonernya, tapi karena ada EO nya, aku mundur deh mau coba. Terus alhamdulillah banget dikirimin ini 😆. Botolnya transparan, sama lah dengan unscented serum nya. Isinya 200mL. Teksturnya viscous, tapi lebih ringan dibandingkan dengan tonerku sebelumnya (Klairs). So far, aku suka sama toner ini karena dia lembab banget & bikin kulit jadi seger. Daya calmingnya juga oke, kalau mukaku merah-merah dipakein ini jadi agak kaleman. Bakal aku beli sendiri kalau sudah masuk ke Indonesia.

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Gift