Normal No More Blue Therapy Anti Redness Toner - Beauty Review

Normal No More

Blue Therapy Anti Redness Toner

Rp. 280.000



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25 - 29

Combination, Medium Light, Warm

08 Feb 2021

sarahadelia recommends this product!

Tbh menurutku ini HT dgn tekstur watery yg paling ngelembabin that I’ve ever tried. Kl dibandingin sm HT dgn tekstur yg lebih thick, emg masih kalah hydrating sih tp oke beyond my expectations. But then again, aku ngerasa HT lamaku lebih bagus. Walaupun melembabkan, tp masi kurang sih apalagi kl kulit lg gradakan. Efek soothing lumayan karena ada cicazulen, tp main prob kulitku bukan redness. Aku biasa pake 2-3 layer karena lightweight & cepet menyerap. Still recommended tho...

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Tokopedia



35 - 39

Combination, Light, Warm

15 Sep 2020

Fr4nc3s recommends this product!

Lately this has become my staple and most fave hydrating toner! I’ve been using this for about a week and loving everything about it. Teksturnya cair, tapi ttep ada ‘isi’nya. Slipnya ada dan gak berlebihan, cepet banget nyerep dan ada deep cooling effectnya ke dalem kulit. It’s like the best of both worlds. Seringkali aku nemuin HT yang efek hydratingnya deep itu teksturnya harus yang sedikit thick/gel-ish, atau kalo nyari HT yang teksturnya cair biasanya efek hydratingnya so-so aja. But this blue liquid tells a different story. Walopun dia cair tapi efek hydratingnya gak main2, deep and cooling. No oily/tackiness whatsoever after multiple layers. It has no scent at all and can help soothing redness/mild irritation on the skin. Definitely an underrated product with 5 stars quality!

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Shopee