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19 Jun 2020
Icalibrina doesn't recommend this product!
this product not working on me! cuma menyegarkan doang. aku sampe repurchase 2x hasilnya sama aja, sampe akhirnya di terusin sama suami aku buat treatment face dia dan dia cocok, jerawat di wajah dia jadi cepet kempes kalo habis pakai toner ini. aromanya calming banget, sopan banget masuk ke penciuman HEHE. untuk harga menurut aku cukup pricey mengingat product ini ngga bekerja apa apa di wajah aku.
Usage Period : More than 1 year
Purchase Point : Watson
07 Jan 2020
vansssy recommends this product!
pertama kali pake product si neutrogena. pake ini karna katanya pore refining tapi kayanya udah make beberapa bulan hasilnya gak terlalu keliatan sih. enaknya sih gak bikin breakout kulit dan gak ngalamin purging jg pake ini dan harganya affordable dengan ukuran gede gitu. tekstur nya cair kaya air biasa aja, tapi kalo baunya alkohol bgt tapi gue fine2 aja sih sm baunya. kayanya bakalan coba toner yg lain sih..
Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months
Purchase Point : Tokopedia
20 Apr 2018
first time i used this, do not really like with the smell and seems containing strong alcohol but after applied on my face, it seems around 90% works to my face esp for clean up makeup recidue and tons of oil or sebum on my skin.. actually its my routine to use toner twice a day in the morning and before go to bed but after more than 1 month i just feel the effect on my skin get redness sometimes itchy on the forehead and left many redhead..
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
Purchase Point :
22 Sep 2017
Sebenernya kemarin2 udah pake cosrx yg pimple pad itu.. Tapi ternyata kurang cocok krn malah jadi breakout. Akhirnya inget2 dulu
pas masih pake obat dokter (ini ceritanya cari2 toner biar ga pake dokter lagi), inget banget tonernya alkoholnya kuat banget
baunya. Akhirnya cari2 lah toner yg bau alkoholnya rada nyengat dan mirip2 (aku asumsi karena pas pake dokter aku cocok dg alkohol
yg kuat, jd cari yg mirip2 itu aja). Dan akhirnya nemu lah si neutrogena ini dengan kandungan alkoholnya no.2 di ingredient list
(i know i know tinggi banget). Surprisingly cocok banget di aku! Sama seperti pas pake obat dokter. Jerawat berkurang, gak lagi
yang dikit2 muncul jerawat.. Trus kalo ada jerawat blm jadi juga dikompresin ini jg besoknya lumayan kempes.. Pori2 juga bersihan
therefore jd keliatan mengecil (tapi mungkin jg karena efek winter..) Oke deh pokoknya! Now I know alkohol ga selamanya bad utk
kulit.. Ada org yg cocok dg kandungan alkohol yg tinggi. Kaya aku nih kulitnya super berminyak. Aku juga ngebarengin dengan hydrating toner plus moisturizer setelah pake toner ini. Jadi wajib bgt melembabkan wajah setelah pake toner ini. Mungkin ini aku ga nyaranin utk kalian dengan kulit yang sensitif.
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
Purchase Point :
18 Apr 2017
Waktu kulit gue sukses dengan Neutrogena Acne Facial Wash, gue tertarik sama produk yang lain. Pilihan gue ke produk ini karena claim Pore refining. Dipakai sbg toner, cukup okay dan no breakout di gue. Kayanya produk Neutrogena ga pernah buat gue breakout deh. Tapi memang tidak menunjukkan hasil apa pun sih. Jadi gue berpaling ke toner lain.
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
Purchase Point :
24 Oct 2015
It has the same consistency as water and I can smell strong alcohol. I didn't feel a burning sensation, it's refreshing. I feel that my skin is fresh and clean. Oil in my T zone is reduced without feeling tight or dry. I love my skin feeling which is fresher and kind of I can put any layer in my skin after that. After I've used almost 3 months, I think my pores shrink but it wasn't really noticeable, I just feel my skin is being smoother. Moreover, I feel that my skin is more acceptable with any kind of skin care and makeup products. Cleaner feeling is the thing that I like about this product, I didn't feel my skin that dull, clog, dirt or oily anymore *except I was in my period time. But I was afraid it can make wrinkles because I can smell strong alcohol *Is what I worry about necessary?*. I'm blind about chemicals ingredients thing. As long as I use it, I never see my skin flakes, I stopped for a while to use this toner after I did microdermabration. I'm afraid with burning effect when my skin in sensitive condition
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
Purchase Point :
29 Sep 2015
I'm using this as daily basis. This toner gives a slightly cool feeling when you apply to your face. It claims to reduce the pores appearances and even skin toned. Well for me, it does a very good job only in even skin toned, as for the pores appearance, hmm.. not really that obviously, but slightly reduce only. So far I haven't find other toner that could replace this due to my sensitive skin and acne prone skin. So I guess I will stick to it at least for now
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
Purchase Point :