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06 May 2022
anissadrmwn recommends this product!
Jujur aku suka sama hydrating toner ini karna teksturnya watery jadi mudah menyerap kekulitnya. Efek hydratingnya kerasa banget di kulitku, kalo mau extra hydrate aku biasa pake 2 layer. Bisa calming redness atau acne yang meradang juga, aman untuk sensitive skin. Packagingnya simple & sizenya besar jd awet deh! Must try, worth it bangett buat kalian yang dry skin pasti suka banget deh sama toner inii♡
Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month
Purchase Point : Shopee
27 Apr 2022
frscarn recommends this product!
Lately my skin is not in good condition especially during the change of seasons, as it is more sensitive, dry and reddish. And finally I found a skincare product from Korea called Histoire Naturelle. It turns out that this brand started from a dermatology clinic in Korea!
I've been using this product for over a week. After using this product, my skin feels fresher and the redness on my cheeks has lessened, even the problem with dry skin that I experience is getting more and more moist throughout the day. The texture of this product is watery, so it is very light, safe and comfortable on the skin. The smell is nice, soft and very comfortable after application.
No wonder the results are healthy, glowing, moist with only a fairly short time, it turns out that this product is produced with the GMP Standard ISO International Certification. So, this brand is dedicated to achieving the meaning of beauty by combining high-quality natural ingredients with the latest modern technology. In order to provide an experience for each customer in the use of effective skincare. Recommended for every skin type, sensitive and even acne prone.
Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month
Purchase Point : Instagram
19 Dec 2021
Zulfaa_Kh recommends this product!
Aku pakai ini pagi dan malam. Kadang pakai kapas kadang langsung pakai tangan. Sebenernya lebih enak pakai kapas, karena lebih berasa seger & lembap. Tekstur toner ini seperti air. Hampir ga ada wanginya. Ringan banget dan bikin kulit lembap. Sejauh ini ga ada reaksi negatif di kulitku. Hasilnya wajahku jadi terhidrasi, lembap, kenyal, dan sehat. Bikin agak cerah juga mungkin karena lembap jadi tone kulit naik dan ingredientsnya yg bisa merangsang produksi collagen. Karena toner ini mild, jadi cocok banget buat segala jenis kulit dan dijadiin basic skincare✨.
Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months
Purchase Point : Gift