Sukin Super Greens Cleansing Oil - Beauty Review


Super Greens Cleansing Oil

Rp. 200.000



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25 - 29

Oily, Medium Light, Neutral

04 Jun 2020

dyanaputri doesn't recommend this product!

Cleansing oil ini bisa membersihkan sunscreen maupun makeup di kulitku, tapi asli perih banget kalo buat remove eye makeup... Di kulitku sih ga bikin breakout, tapi dengan teksturnya yang cukup kental dan susah teremulsi (harus pake cleansing cloth), it's definitely not my cup of tea. It has a nice scent, anyway.

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Priceline



40 - 44

Combination, Medium Dark, Warm

23 Nov 2018

Not my favorite cleansing oil. Memang efek membersihkannya baguss banget, tp ninggalin residu yg cukup tebel jd harus pakai handuk fiber. Buat kulit sensitive, aku sangat menghindari itu, pakai kapas aja aku jarang2.
Wanginya menyenangkan dan segerr banget, dan memang setelah pemakaian ini muka lebih cling siy.. jd aku pakenya ga tiap hari. Ga repurchased deh..



35 - 39

Combination, Light, Cool

24 Jul 2018

taun kemaren mulai coba pake sukin, which is dsini harga terjangkau dibanding produk lain. aku mulai pake mask dan cleansing oil , beserta sederet produk oil sukin lainny , cuman yg cocok d kulit hanya masker dn cleansing oilnya.
cleansing oilny bantu ngehapus make up dan ga bikin iritasi d kulit.
packagingnya ok buat dibawa traveling. harga murah klu d Australia, karena mmng produk sini. repurchase lagi pastinya.



19 - 24

Combination, Light, Cool

06 Jun 2018

suka sama baunya yg kayak sweet grape gitu.
Untuk texture nya sendiri kental dan berwarna kuning bening.
Tapi agak kurang bersih untuk menghapus makeup yg full coverage.
Walaupun pakai agak banyak, rasanya foundation dll kurang meleleh waktu pakaiin si sukin cleansing oil.
Memang di botolnya tertulis cara aplikasinya itu oilnya di tuang di kapas lalu di swipe gently tapi tetep aja, kurang nampol buat angkat makeup jadi musti di bersihin lagi pakai micellar water.
Masih jauh lebih bersih kalau cuma pakai sukin micellar water aja sebagai first cleanser.
Tapi kalau cuma untuk membersihkan wajah yg no makeup, aku rasa si sukin cleansing oil ini cukup ampuh kok mengangkat sisa sunscreen dan debu.
Repurchase? Sepertinya tidak, tapi bakal repurchase micellar waternya ?



25 - 29

Oily, Light, Warm

07 Nov 2017

This cleansing oil is AMAZING for removing either just sunscreen (and dirt, obvi) or heavy duty makeup! By heavy duty I mean lots of layers of makeup: creme + liquid foundation, concealer, cream contour, powders etc. I also do not feel the need to use a separate eye and lip makeup remover with this, as this cleanses my eye makeup and lipstick really well and never irritates my eyes. This also has relaxing smell which reminds me of permen sugus! Hehe, and this is very value for money (retail price is around AUD 14.00, I bought at at around IDR 200K (w/ disc. code!)) as a bottle lasted for 3 months with daily use on me. The only downside is this feels quite thick when being emulsified, and you will need a hot cloth to properly remove this. If you don't mind with the hassle, I'd highly recommend this for all skin types including oily, sensitive and acne prone like mine :)