Palmer's Skin Therapy Cleansing Oil - Beauty Review


Skin Therapy Cleansing Oil

Rosehip Fragrance

Rp. 133.550



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19 - 24

Oily, Medium, Warm

25 Jun 2018

Bener2 deep cleansing di aku, ga nimbulin breakout juga untungnya. Btw kulitku jenisnya acne prone dan combination. Skrg aku pake produk ini kalo mau apus foundation apapun bentuknya (pressed/loose powder, liquid). Kalo udh pake ini aku ga pake bioderma lagi karena udh bersih (aku udah tes ya abis pake ini pake bioderma, kapasnya bersihhh). Pokoknya decent kok produk ini, ngebrsihin makeup banget. The best part adalaaaah, ingredients dia kebanyakan oil2 yg biasa dibuat skincare kaya jojoba oil, grapeseed oil, soybean oil, bahkan ingredients2 yg namanya ala2 kimia gitu cuma dikiit bangeet.. There are not many nasty stuffs in this product. One night aku capek bgt dan cuma bersihin makeup pake ini sambil aku pijet2, bilas pake air keran aja trs langsung tidur (btw dia gampang bgt dibilas pake air, ga ada residu2 oil yg bikin greasy2 aneh gitu jd langsung bersih even gapake facial wash). Besoknya kenapa muka aku jd malah berasa agak ceraaah ??? skincare propertiesnya oke sih inii.. Cleansing oil terbaik!! I got it on sale jadi cuma gasampe 100rb deh kayanya. Packagingnya juga oke pumpnya bisa dikunci. Kurangnya adalah... Baunya mengingatkanquuu pada rosehip oil ? ga separah itu sih baunya tapi sayang ajaa dia ada ingredient fragrance soalnya, harusnya fragrancenya sekalian dibuat aroma lain selain aroma rosehip oil wkwk. Tapi lama kelamaan udah kebiasaan dan jadi biasa aja sih. YESSSS to repurchase! Bakal nyetok kalo lg sale, karena diitung2 murah bgt untuk cleansing oil sebagus iniii! ? Deserve more hype!

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



19 - 24

Dry, , Neutral

18 May 2017

Gently deep cleanse skin with the powerof Pure Cleansing Oils, Cocoa Butter and Vitamin C. Dissolves dirt, oil and make-up and rinses perfectly clean without stripping skin. Purifies complexion for clear, soft and brighter looking skin. ... Massage gently into skin and emulsify with water.

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



30 - 34

Oily, Medium Light, Warm

18 May 2017

This cleansing oil is much thinner, and not as deep-cleansing as the other cleansing oils I have used before (Innisfree Apple Juicy, Etude House Real Art Moisture, & Biore). It does not clean out the sebaceous filaments on my nose & my blackheads as effectively. I imagine this could work fine with dryer skin types though.

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

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