NIVEA Soothing Cleansing Oil Face & Eyes With Natural Grape Seed Oil - Beauty Review


Soothing Cleansing Oil Face & Eyes With Natural Grape Seed Oil

Sensitive Skin

Rp. 74.000



415 users

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19 - 24

Combination, Medium, Neutral

13 Oct 2023

srisningtiyas recommends this product!

kecintaan aku produk cleansing yang satu ini karena sudah coba berbagai macam produk yang sejenis tetapi yang satu ini tetap juara huft tapi sayang jarang restock jadi agak susah carinya, mana sebagus itu kan. kalian better cobain please

Usage Period : 6 months - 1 year

Purchase Point : Shopee



25 - 29

Combination, Light, Cool

20 Sep 2023

anastasianovita88 recommends this product!

I bought this during pandemic era back then in 2021. There was a flash sale, so I was interested to try it out. The scent is very calming and soothing, and it's not that sharp to my nose. The texture is oil-based, but it changes slowly to foamy texture when it's diluted with water. It has no shade. It's a clear transparent color. However, it's minus 1 star because it's still hard to remove eye make-up, such as eyeshadow, eyeliner, and mascara. It also stings to my eyes, so I don't think it's hypoallergenic or save for my eyes :""" In terms of pricewise, it's still quite affordable for me. Thus, it's still okay if it's just used to remove daily/based make-up.

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : Shopee



19 - 24

Oily, Medium Light, Neutral

18 Jul 2023

amelnanda doesn't recommend this product!

It's decent, but it doesn't completely remove heavy or layered makeup and waterproof products. However, it works well for removing sunscreen residue. I didn't experience any negative effects while using it. The scent is similar to cooking oil, which is a bit off-putting. The packaging comes in a pump bottle, which is convenient. The price is quite affordable.

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point : Shopee



19 - 24

Dry, Medium, Neutral

17 Jul 2023

arofahtar doesn't recommend this product!

produk nivea yang aku gacocok. beli ini krn hype katanya bikin komedo rontok trnyata gacocok di muka aku yg sensitive. baunya grape tp agak gimana gitu. baru pake bbrp hari jerawatan, akhirnya stop dan pake lagi trnyata jg ttp jerawatan. akhirnya di preloved deh.

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Shopee



25 - 29

Oily, Medium, Cool

09 May 2023

mariaandreana recommends this product!

Cleansing oil yang juga sering kurepurchase selain biore. kalau dari tekstur ini lebih cair kaya air kalau dibanding biore yang lebih kental sedikit. Wanginya tuh apa ya kurang suka sebenernya tapi ya mengganggu banget kok. Daya bersihnya baguuss, sunscren, makeup, eye makeup kehapus pakai ini. Ga perlu pakai kapas ya, tinggal usap aja di wajah

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : Shopee



30 - 34

Oily, Medium Dark, Warm

20 Mar 2023

akangskincare recommends this product!

Kalo cari produk cleansing oil buat kulit sensitive ini bisa jadi pilihan. Teksturnya enak saat teremulsi menjadi susu setelah dikasih air dikit. Packaging juga enak banget praktis ada lock nya jadi aman dibawa travel. Pembersihan wajah lebih baik karena sebagai 1st cleansier (oil based) tanpa perlu kapas / tissue lanjut dengan face wash (water based). Tekturnya oil bening beraroma harum fresh tapi tipis dan ringan gak viscous. Cleansing oil Nivea ini bikin muka jadi lebih bersih dan halus bisa dipakai Pagi hari tanpa dilanjut face wash masih bersih. Karena Aa bukan pemakai makeup jadi nggak tahu dia ampuh atau nggak untuk bersihin make-up. Tapi untuk sunscreen dan reapply nya sih bisa ke angkat.

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Watson



19 - 24

Combination, Light, Warm

10 Feb 2023

Natha_Hood recommends this product!

PLEASE INI PRODUCT MUST HAVE AKU BGTTT, cukup 1-2 pump aja udh cukup buat bersihin 1 muka, ga nyumbat pori2 jg, sensitive skin friendly krn free perfume & alcohol, kl beli di nivea store ny jg sering diskon lumayan buat stok, tapi dia skrg udh di discontinue huhu sedih bgt sampe skrg aku blm nemu oil cleanser yg sebagus dia dgn harga serupa

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : Shopee



19 - 24

Dry, Light, Neutral

26 Jan 2023

Zenavinel recommends this product!

Enaak jujur, muka jadi kenyal kaya konyaku cuma mukaku yang sensian (macem cewe pms) jadi merah-merah. Aku kurang suka, jerawat jadi on-off juga 😭 terus ribet, mesti buru-buru nyuci kalau gak mau jerawat/komedoan. Packagingnya agak meh 👎 pumpnya gampang copot.

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Shopee



19 - 24

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

11 Dec 2022

Anggitakarima recommends this product!

Siapa sih yang engga tau cleansing oilnya nivea ini,bahkan aku sering bgtt liat orang luar negri rekomend cleansing ini.Di aku yg type kulitnya combi sama sekali engga keganggu sama teksturnya dia.Buat ngangkat kotoran ampuh bgtt,namanya oil tapi waktu dibilas sama sekali engga ngerasa lengket.Wanginya juga enak seger,trus sejauh ini engga pernah nimbulin masalah kulit baru di aku emang awalnya takut karna ini oil cleanser tapi di aku bersyukur bgttt aman-aman aja,love so much this product🥰

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : Gift



25 - 29

Dry, Medium, Warm

15 Aug 2022

rindia recommends this product!

enak buat yg suka double cleansing gapake ribet hehe bentuknya oil tp gampang larut juga di air dan bersihin makeup waterproof jd effortless bgt pake ini! Ga butuh banyak produk buat bersihin satu muka jadi kantong jg aman 😌

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : Shopee
