KOSE Cosmeport Softymo Cleansing Oil - Beauty Review

KOSE Cosmeport

Softymo Cleansing Oil


Rp. 150.000



359 users

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30 - 34

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

07 Mar 2024

ripvanwinkle recommends this product!

udah di botol kedua dan bakal pake ini terus. awalnya lihat di vlog Stan Fukase (worldofxtra), dan doi bilangnya ini cleansing oil terjelek yg pernah dia coba dan murahan banget. tapi di aku yg hanya pake skincare dan sunscreen tebal sehari-hari, cleansing oil ini cukup membersihkan kok. mungkin bagi yg buat bersihin makeup tebal ini kurang "membersihkan" ya.. kena mata juga gak perih, dibilas langsung hilang tanpa residu. muka auto terasa bersih setelah pake cleansing oil ini. untuk adik-adik yg masih sekolah atau ibu-ibu yg baru pengen nyoba double cleansing, ini double cleanser yg sangat worth utk dicoba.

KOSE Cosmeport Softymo Cleansing Oil imgfdn-c30ec86b-d154-426d-91ad-ff92e6d524da-2560348 1

Usage Period : 6 months - 1 year

Purchase Point : Shopee



19 - 24

Combination, Medium, Neutral

02 Mar 2024

sram2001 recommends this product!

The best one there is! Gets down all of my makeup within a minute, emulsifies quickly, light texture and actually gets impurities off atau itu make up aku yang menggumpal I don’t really know haha but it does the job beautifully. This paired with my Labore Mild Cleanser made my skin feels so soft every time. Chose this karena contains safflower oil, sunflower & jojoba seed oil, so it’s non-comedogenic and very gentle on sensitive days. Great local alternative would be Nutrishe Melt My Day cleansing balm, ingredients nya mirip cuman formulationnya yg beda. 10/10 love it!

Usage Period : 6 months - 1 year

Purchase Point : Gift



25 - 29

Oily, Medium Light, Neutral

08 Feb 2024

binomialnomenklatur recommends this product!

Di umur yang masuk kepala 3 ini, gue sekarang agak condong ke brand Jepang daripada Korea sih. Termasuk brand Kose ini yang masih affordable banget. Sesungguhnya krn daily cuma pake bedak padat, blush lippies jadi gue ngerasa cukup aja sih. Lebih cair dari tekstur Makeover Cleansing Oil sebelumnya, no smell, dan ga bikin brakout. Udah masuk bulan ke-5 dan masih setengah botol lagi, affordable banget sih.

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Shopee



25 - 29

Dry, Medium, Cool

11 Jan 2024

sofianwar recommends this product!

I suppose this is one of the cleanest cleansing oils I have ever used. When local and East Asian cleansing oils are compared, the liquid's 230 ml volume is also quite large. The liquid worked well because it melted fast, even on thick and bold makeup formulas like foundation and mascara. However, I was somewhat traumatised when I ordered this. Even though the box is locked, the liquid has already been spilled and strewn about by the time they arrive. As a result, I have never been brave enough to bring this on a trip.

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Shopee



19 - 24

Combination, Light, Cool

09 Jan 2024

raard recommends this product!

ini sebenarnya tuh bagus bgt buat make up remover, semua make up keangkat termasuk yang waterproof sekalipun. cuman to be honest dia bikin aku break out after 3-5 kali pemakaian🥲 break out yang parah bgt literally jerawatan semuka. jadi sekarang aku cuma pakai dia buat hapusin eye make up yang waterproof aja. ini saran aja buat kalian yang kulitnya sensitif ya. sedih sih gak cocok padahal buat jadi 1st cleanser kayaknya bagus bgt:(

KOSE Cosmeport Softymo Cleansing Oil imgfdn-c773dc54-72b1-488f-a70f-48235664c099-2528215 1

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Shopee



25 - 29

Combination, Medium, Cool

05 Jan 2024

luceepurba recommends this product!

Ada alasannya kenapa ini produk udh ada dari zaman awal mula 10-step skincare sampe sekarang😭 It is cheap and does the job well. Slip-nya emg kurang lengket krn tekstur minyaknya yg cenderung kering, tapi emulsification-nya bagus dan cepet. BONUS BANGET ada moisturized feelingnya jadi kulit terasa plump dan licin abis dibilas😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 Also ga ada wangi at all jadi adekku yg sensitif bau bisa pakai. And refillable!

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point : Shopee



19 - 24

Dry, Medium Light, Warm

13 Dec 2023

mrscollin recommends this product!

Cleansing oil ini juaraku banget! Isinya banyak banget, packaging juga ga rempong dan pastinya higienis, oilnya ngga terlalu thick jadi gampang dipake ke muka, pas pijit ke muka juga ga ngagokin. Kalau diemulsify dia effortless banget dan ga ninggalin residu, ga ada rasa perih di mata atau kering ketarik setelahnya. Paling penting.. harganya murah banget untuk performance dan ukuran segini :D I will definitely repurchase this one

Usage Period : 6 months - 1 year

Purchase Point : Shopee



25 - 29

Oily, Medium Dark, Warm

09 Nov 2023

firyalane recommends this product!

cleansing oil kualitasnya gaperlu diragukan lagi, cocok bgt buat bersihin muka sehari hari di kulitku yg oily. gaada efek berminyak/keset atau ninggalin rasa licin di muka. pas di apply berasa bgt semua kotoran rontok cepat. aku rekomen walaupun harganya lumayan pricey tapi ga bakal nyesell

KOSE Cosmeport Softymo Cleansing Oil imgfdn-e9882efa-51a4-42e8-872a-0c23fefafcdb-2499986 1

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Shopee



19 - 24

Oily, Light, Neutral

27 Oct 2023

valerie_vlnc recommends this product!

Salah satu cleansing oil terbagus yg pernah ku coba! Dia cukup ringan di wajah, gampang dibilas dan ga ninggalin rasa berminyak hbs dibilas kyk cleansing balm pd umumnya. Dia bisa juga dipake buat bersihin mascara yg susah dihapus kyk Heroine make. Cuman aku blom pernah coba bersiih RAD pny si pk ini. Overall ini bgs, lbh worth it dibandingkan manyo punya.

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Guardian



35 - 39

Normal, Light, Neutral

10 Oct 2023

devitong recommends this product!

tercepat dalam bersihkan wajah ber make up. Udah paling bener pake cleansing oil satu ini, ga neko2 deh ibarat nya. Langsung bisa bersihin pake air dingin. Bekas cushion, eyebrow, lipstik langsung bersih. Luv deh kalo buat yang mau muka nya bersih.

KOSE Cosmeport Softymo Cleansing Oil imgfdn-61cb6021-3af5-4ee6-b7ec-f4afc2146b5a-2481459 1

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : Shopee
