Isntree Micellar Melting Cleansing Oil - Beauty Review


Micellar Melting Cleansing Oil

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19 - 24

Normal, Medium, Warm

08 Sep 2021

rheavania recommends this product!

150ml gini bisa kepake untuk 1 tahun kurang lebih. gak berbau, dan bisa angkat mascara yang waterproof. texturenya gak begitu thick yang annoying, cocok dan enak buat dipake sambil massage tipis-tipis sekalian bersihin sisa-sisa sunscreen di bagian sela sela hidung. doing its job perfectly fine, gak rese pun. waktu break out pake ini gak masalah. considering dari harganya, worth untuk pemakaian berbulan-bulan. cuman emang agak sedikit blur pas dipake diarea mata terus dibilas, but i guess sejauh ini rata-rata cleansing oil emang gini. another minus, agak susah dicari aja emang.. gak banyak seller yang jual produk isntree yang ini

Usage Period : 6 months - 1 year

Purchase Point : Shopee



25 - 29

Dry, Medium Light, Neutral

29 Apr 2021

findriyani recommends this product!

I'm glad that I had a chance to try this cleansing oil bcs his cleansing oil is sooo geeewd guys! This is the lightest cleansing oil I've ever tried, it doesn't feel heavy at all, almost like water I'd say and it doesn't leave any kind of film or residue that sometimes other first cleansers do. I love how deep this cleansing oil cleans out my pores, bcs after I double cleansed, I clearly can see in the mirror that my whiteheads (especially on my nose) were coming out and those whiteheads are easily removed with cotton pads. This cleansing oil also does a good job from removing my waterproof make-up and sunscreen (swipe left to see my video). Besides I love how minimal the ingredients list, that's why I can write the entire ingredients list 🤩. The scent itself is like a cooking oil I‘d say🤔, but it‘s not disturbing at all for my nose. It’s free from fragrances & essential oils as well.

If you're looking for a very light cleansing oil that focuses on deep cleansing, I'd recommend this one. But actually I don't know if I still could recommend this product bcs I heard this cleansing oil is discontinued. That's why before I wrote this review, it wouldn't be helpful either for you bcs you can't find it anymore. But I thought this product still deserves good feedback from customers and at least people know that Isntree has an awesome first cleanser😍. I wish they would restock it again or perhaps they would launch another good first cleanser soon.

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Brand website



19 - 24

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

26 Sep 2020

Adibaaa recommends this product!

cleansing oil yang cukup gentle di kulit karena tidak mengandung alkohol dan essential oil, selain itu dia ramah di kulit acne prone karena non comedogenic dan bebas dari silikon + mineral oil, bisa dibilang ingredientsnya oke. Teksturnya cukup milky dan lembut, enak dibuat massage wajah (karena tekstur licin tidak kesat), daya emulsifynya lumayan oke (tapi tidak kesat) dan ketika dibilas tidak membuat wajah ketarik (cukup melembabkan) ditambah lagi cleansing oil ini dapat membuat kulit terasa lembut. karena tipenya yang tidak kesat ketika dibilas, buat aku kurang nyaman dengan cleansing oil ini, jadi aku mau jual aja, baru dipakai 2x, Original (beli di truested seller shopee) open : 24 september 2020, exp : oktober 2021,

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point : Shopee



25 - 29

Oily, Medium, Warm

06 Mar 2020

Ardiytiara recommends this product!

Sebenernya mau ku rate 4.5. CO ini alhamdulillaah cocok di aku. Aromanya gak wangi, cenderung bau minyak (sedikit bau minyak ikan may be???), but still ok buat aku. Konsistensinya mengingatkanku pada CO Skinexpert (produk lokal). Ketika diapply, di muka terasa lembut milky gitu (beda dg Yuripibu yg ada rasa kesetnya dikit). Dan benar after feelnya ga bikin muka kerasa kering/ketarik. Kemampuan emulsinya cukup oke, walaupun rasanya kaya masih ada sisa oil yang nempel setelah dibilas air doang (karena dia gak meninggalkan kesat, malah lembab). Butuh waktu massage beberapa saat untuk mengeluarkan komedo. Untuk ngehapus full makeup wajah dan mata (e. g. makeup wisuda), mesti agak banyak (butuh beberapa pump di botol kecil share in jar), tapi hasilnya benar2 bersih. Karena aku pake ini combine sama Garnier micellar oil-infused cleansing water + air hangat + Sensatia Botanicals Acne Clarifying Cleanser (TANPA clay mask), setelahnya, kulit mukaku gak beruntusan atau jerawatan (seperti yg dialami oleh orang yg gak benar2 bersih ngehapus makeup). Sepertinya ku akan repurchase, tapi mau coba produk lain dulu.

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Shopee



25 - 29

Oily, Medium Light, Warm

21 Dec 2019

thenazka recommends this product!

Iseng coba beli share in jar produk ini tanpa ekspektasi apapun, tapi ternyata jatuh cinta sama cleansing oil ini. Produk ini lebih mampu mengangkat makeup dibanding cleansing oil yg pernah aku coba sebelumnya. Menurutku konsistensinya lebih thick dibanding cleansing oil TBS dan Innisfree. Dicampur dgn sedikit air pun lebih mudah dan lebih “milky”. Ada wanginya tapi bukan wangi parfum, wangi identik minyak gitu, mungkin ngga semua orang suka tapi karena mild jadi aku fine aja. Sayangnya produk ini masih susah dicari.

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Tokopedia