DHC Deep Cleansing Oil - Beauty Review


Deep Cleansing Oil

Rp. 370.000



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19 - 24

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

16 Mar 2024

rollinggrape doesn't recommend this product!

Teksturnya thick, cepet ngapus make up dan segala dosa2 di muka. Gk bikin muka sensitif ini ngereog. Mungkin karna udh ketemu cleansing oil yg jd holy grail dan banyak orang yg rave ini dr dulu (I'll say produk ini jd cult favorite alongside heimish cleansing balm), ini lumayan biasa aja rasanya, bahkan kek underwhelming. Utk harganya jg kayaknya masih bisa beli produk lain yg lbh murah. not gonna repurchase this :(

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store



25 - 29

Oily, Medium, Neutral

13 Mar 2024

gbpaskal doesn't recommend this product!

Setelah sekian lama pake cleansing balm, skrg beralih lagi ke cleansing oil dan putusin untuk coba ini, tapi ternyata di wajah ku gak se oke itu ☹️ pumpnya bener2 susah dan harus hati2, kalo gak beleber nyiprat kemana2 deh tuh oilnya 😞 gak tau ya ini emang aku dapet pumpnya yang apes atau gimana. Terus dari wangi dan teksturnya bener2 kaya minyak goreng??? Jujur males bgt pakenya karna literally kaya pakein minyak goreng ke muka. Terus juga harus bener2 bersih cuci mukanya pake ini, kalo gak muka rasanya berat. Satu2nya yang bikin masih bertahan karna untuk bersihin make-up terutama waterproof masih ampuh kok, walaupun tetep effort ya!! Karna selama ini pake cleansing balm less than 5 seconds udah lumer tuh maskara, eyeliner, dll, tapi pake ini harus gosok2 pelan dulu dan takes time.

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Shopee



25 - 29

Combination, Medium, Neutral

26 Jan 2024

virnaamelia recommends this product!

DHC Salah satu cleansing oil favorit! Bisa membersihkan makeup yang ringan maupun yang heavy sekaligus, dan tekstur minyaknya agak kental jadi terasa berminyak tebal diwajah dan ga berbau mengganggu. Emulsify dengan cukup baik, ga bikin kulit jadi kering. Setelah pakai cleansing oil ini bisa langsung di basuh facewash tanpa harus pakai micellar water lagi.

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : Gift



30 - 34

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

26 Jan 2024

oddaquarian recommends this product!

this is one of my holy care for make up remover. its fragance free. make up langsung luntur. tapi emang bersihin nya lumayan effort. gak bikin muka sensitif ku kenapa kenapa. pokoknya suka banget deh. buat double cleansing juga it can be an alternative brand beside korean brands.

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Shopee



30 - 34

Combination, Medium Dark, Neutral

25 Nov 2023

Rahmadini1702 recommends this product!

Been using this product for more than 4 years now, and I can tell you this one is my HG for my sensitive skin. Easily rinsed with water, one pump is enough for full face, maybe 3-4 pumps for heavy makeup

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store



25 - 29

Oily, Light, Cool

07 Nov 2023

dwivietasya doesn't recommend this product!

Iseng coba ini liat pas clearance sale tokopink dan katanya emang bagus. Tapi ternyata not for me. Rasanya malah kayak apply minyak goreng ke muka, thick banget. 😔 Terus emulsifynya juga weak dan butuh proses gitu, abis bilas kerasa residunya. Kalo wanginya mirip minyak butbut. Nanti aku coba lagi kalo heavy makeup ngangkat apa engga.

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point : Whatsapp



30 - 34

Oily, Light, Neutral

21 Oct 2023

Bonjourmmsl recommends this product!

Pros: Packagingnya simple dan sebenernya formulanya sejauh ini bekerja cukup baik untuk menghapus make up di segala medan tempur. Fragrance free, trus pke 1 pump udh cukup untk menghapus klo lg heavy make up. Sejauh ini di aku jg gk bikin break out atau iritasi, kulit terasa lembab dan lembut setelah dibilas. Cons: Harganya cukup mahal waktu itu aku beli sekitar 300rb-an, untuk size 200ml. Kalo dibanding sama brand Jepang yg satu lg dgn size lebih 30ml harganya beda 100rb-an; emg si DHC punya konsistensi lebih tebel dgn kandungan lebih lengkap: ada vit E, rosemary oil dan organic leaf oil. Kedua formulanya klo kena mata sedikit ada perih2nya, repot jg kan klo lg bersihin eye make up.

Usage Period : 6 months - 1 year

Purchase Point : Century Drug Store



25 - 29

Combination, Medium, Neutral

11 Aug 2023

kintanumr doesn't recommend this product!

Ini cleansing oil ngga angkat makeup banget, jangankan makeup waterproof kaya mascara, base complexion aja ngga bersih keangkat 👋🏻😭 Padahal dari price point (& dulu sempet hype juga deh?) aku expect more than this. Oilnya thick, aku ngga masalah ama texturenya, tapi dia ngga ke emulsify dengan makeup layaknya cleansing oil lain yg pernah aku pake. Akhirnya cobain buat angkat skincare (sunscreen) aja setelah seharian beraktifitas, tapi kayanya tetep ga bersih krn masih ada residu di wajah 💔

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Watson



19 - 24

Oily, Medium Light, Neutral

18 Jul 2023

amelnanda recommends this product!

This cleansing oil is okay, it works well but it doesn't make me fall in love with it or want to repurchase it. Among the cleansing oils I've tried, this one is the thickest, with a texture similar to cooking oil. It has a scent that reminds me of olive oil used for frying food. The thick texture actually requires me to use a larger amount of the product to make it easier to apply on my face. I finished a 70ml bottle within a month, using it every 6 days in a week. It effectively cleanses my complexion, although it takes more effort to remove waterproof mascara and lip tint. When I apply a small amount of it and only for a short time on my eye area, it doesn't cause any stinging sensation. However, if I use it for a longer time, it can be a bit irritating. Despite its thickness, this cleansing oil doesn't break me out, even when I leave it on for 15 minutes. The packaging is sturdy and secure, but the design gives off a "cheap" vibe, even though it's not exactly inexpensive.

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point : Shopee



25 - 29

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

14 Jul 2023

mdtunjungsari recommends this product!

Baru review cleansing oil ini setelah repurchase ke 3 kali haha, tapi aku selalu beli yang ukuran kecil karena ga secepet itu abisnya. Bagus buat menghempaskan makeup yang aku pake dan debu2. Setelah pake ini aku tidak merasakan ada efek negatif ya, selalu ngerasa bersih. Wanginya juga kayak hampir gaada, teksturnya emang kerasa tebel banget tapi aku malah suka krn ngerasa bener2 ngebersihin banget. Love it!

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Sociolla
