Bobbi Brown Soothing Cleansing Oil - Beauty Review

Bobbi Brown

Soothing Cleansing Oil

Rp. 350.000



9 users

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30 - 34

,30 - 34

3 days ago

Ninoyoseano recommends this product!

Mau tanya, kalau pakai cleansing oil ini harus double cleansing lagi? Soal nya baru pertama kali pakai cleansing oil, karena ada beberapa yg blg harus di bersihkan kembali pakai facial wash, ada yg tdk perlu?

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point : Sample



35 - 39

Combination, Light, Neutral

04 Jun 2023

DilNaf recommends this product!

Nyobain ini karena dapet gift with purchase waktu beli eyeliner Bobbi Brown di Sephora. Enak banget pakainya, wangi, lembut, works well as a first cleanser. Please kindly note that I’m not a heavy makeup user though, biasanya pagi cuma pakai vit C (klo lg ngga males), hyaluronic serum, sunscreen dan tinted mosturizer (plush a bit of blush on if i have the time). Mata juga cuma pakai eyeliner tipis. Cleanser ini juga bikin komedo di hidung gampang keangkat. Minusnya ya mahal aja sih jd most likely not going to repurchase hehe

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Gift



25 - 29

Combination, Medium Light, Cool

21 Apr 2023

segastya recommends this product!

beberapa kali nyoba cleansing oil belum ada nemu yg bener2 cocok tapi si Bobbi Brown ini boleh sih masuk list salah satu cleansing oil yg cukup nyaman, dan ga bikin perih. it melts away makeup, sampe jarang pake eye remover lg karena uda cukup maksimal ngebersihinnya. ak ga suka cleansing oil yg terlalu oily sampe kayak minyak goreng, untungnya produk ini oilnya ga berat dan terkadang ak ngerasa teksturnya kayak water-light oil? oil tp waktu di apply langsung melts dan berasa watery.

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store



19 - 24

Combination, Light, Neutral

14 Jan 2023

abigails recommends this product!

Iseng coba waktu itu karena lagi ada promo, sebenernya feelnya hampir sama kaya Shu Uemura cuma this one itu kerasanya lebih lembab setelah dibilas, untuk ngebersihinnya pun this one very gentle n smooth, engga perih dimata n very easy to remove makeup on my face

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Sephora



35 - 39

Dry, Light, Warm

05 Apr 2021

Stavol recommends this product!

Kalo bole kasi nilai sih C+ or b- productnya soft dan cukup lembut di kulit, ga kering sama skali di wajah, biasa kan kl pake cleansing oil suka ketarik bgt ya muka.. tp ini gak, tp masi lumayan bikin mata burem, cm emang ga parah sih kyk Shu. Untuk kemampuan bersihin make up so-so ya, cukup bersih tp kl untuk mata harus pake make up remover khusus lg

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Lazada



19 - 24

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

18 Oct 2020

angelineviolita recommends this product!

After a long period of wearing heavy makeup, then you reach home and just want to get into the shower, but first, you need to clean your makeup. Some people feel lazy by just removing their makeup, for me, It's my fav part at the end of the day bcs of the soothing feeling u get when u can clean all of your makeup heavy duties (like having repentance on ur lifetime sins) on ur face in a swipe with this product :)

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Sephora



25 - 29

Oily, Medium Light, Cool

03 Apr 2019

Cleansing oil ini udah pakai saat taun 2011 an , after that pernah susah banget cari yg lbh bagus dr ini tp nihil . Hampir setiap hari pakai makeup ga bikin kulit iritasi atau brentus malah lbh moist banding sblm nya . Hampir seisi rumah suka minta ( jd boros banget ) tp walaupun harga nya lumayan mahal isi nya jg byk dan worth the money . Double cleansing saat ini yg lg rutin beberapa minggu kebelakang kembali lg ke product yg cocok di jaman dl . Works on my skin bgt !!!



19 - 24

Combination, Medium, Warm

09 Oct 2015

C/o ini lumayan cocok di aku dibanding ama punya nya merk tetangga. Lumayan cakep buat bersihin waterproof makeup walau kadang kalo masuk dikit kemata rada perih, dikit sih ga terlalu. Baunya juga kalem, aroma herb gitu buat aku. Non mineral oil juga. Setelah dipakai kaya namanya, kulit jadi mkin lembut, kenyal, n lembab tapi ga oily kok