Shu Uemura Botanic Oil Indulging Plant-Based Cleansing Oil - Beauty Review

Shu Uemura

Botanic Oil Indulging Plant-Based Cleansing Oil

Rp. 0



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30 - 34

Dry, Medium Light, Neutral

03 Mar 2024

alvinda recommends this product!

Well, it’s official. After trying out all shu’s CO, i got to say this is my least favorite of all. Buatku dia oilnya terlalu thick, dan gak ada grip nya samsek, jd ga ngangkat kotoran di muka. Feelsnya juga too oily, dan karena tebel jdnya agak effort juga waktu dibilas. People said it has lovely scent but i can’t notice it, mungkin karena aku ga begitu suka bau citrus jg kali ya. So overall i’ll stick to ultim8 and blanc chroma.

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Lazada



25 - 29

Combination, Light, Cool

03 Aug 2023

anastasianovita88 recommends this product!

I got this when I had a beauty event by Shu Uemura and kak Yona. I really like this one because I don't have to double cleanse my face. It removes my make-up completely without drying and pulling my face. I really love it. Kak Henri MUA from Shu said that it's very clean without have to do triple or double cleanse.

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : PR Package



30 - 34

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

16 Apr 2023

kittylestrange91 recommends this product!

yg ini kayanya varian baru ya, karena pas aku pake dulu yg ini belom ada. aku dpt sample produknya, dan lumayan banget buat dibawa Travelling. sama kaya cleansing oil nya Shu Uemura yg lain, makeup tuh lgsg lumer pas ketemu ini, sampe mascara waterproof yg susah banget dibersihin nya. dibilas nya juga gampang ngga ninggalin residu di kulit, karena dia lgsg larut kena air (jujur aku pernah pake ini jadi all in one cleanser, jadi abis pake ini aku ngga pake FW lagi dan aman" aja), dan udahannya juga ngga bikin kulit ketarik sama sekali, malah lgsg moist trus halus banget 🥹 yg botanic ini wanginya kaya herbal" gitu dan awalnya aku agak kaget karena kenceng, tapi lama" aku ngga masalah sih 😅

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Gift



40 - 44

Dry, Light, Cool

18 Mar 2023

Bozzmoms recommends this product!

nyobain yang mini size dulu, mengingat harganya cukup lumayan. ternyata suka bangeeet. aromanya yuzu, segar tapi ada aroma herbal juga. relax dan fresh serasa di spa luxury. selain itu daya cleansingnya juga juara. untuk bersíhin maskara waterproof pun mudah.

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Shopee