Youth to the People Age Prevention Superfood Cleanser - Beauty Review

Youth to the People

Age Prevention Superfood Cleanser

Rp. 36



11 users

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64% users

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25 - 29

Oily, Medium Dark, Warm

30 Mar 2023

Reginaagrin recommends this product!

Now i know why this cleanser is so hype abroad. I buy the mini bottle that isnt so little. It has clear glass packaging. Quite sturdy and heavy. I like the scent. Its earthy and fresh. It has a lot soap or bubbles. But i enjoy it because it makes my skin feels so clean and smooth. I didnt experience dry skin after i wash my face like other people

Usage Period : 6 months - 1 year

Purchase Point : Sephora



25 - 29

Dry, Medium Dark, Neutral

31 May 2022

nova19 doesn't recommend this product!

terlalu pricey untuk sebuah cleanser, tapi karena ini produk import it's ok. teksturnya aku suka karena dia bisa diusap pas tangan lagi basah alias gak tumpah. performa bersihinnya dipertanyakan karena meninggalkan kesan berlemak/licin di kulit. fragrance ok. foamnya sedikit, jadi harus pakenya lumayan banyak bener2 satu pump penuh bahkan lebih. packaging superb, karena materialnya kaca jadi lebih keliatan premium dan eco friendly. overall gak sesuai hype, malah mirip sabun cuci piring tapi versi fancy nya wkwk.

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Tokopedia



19 - 24

Combination, Medium, Warm

14 Feb 2022

Nadhirahma recommends this product!

If you have the money, this product is worth the splurge. This cleanser cleanses your skin so well without striping it down. Setiap make ini suka banget selalu terasa bersih tapi tetep supple and lembab. I used this night and day and udah repurchase beberapa kali. Kalau malem dikombinasiin dengan then i met you living cleansing balm, those two combine are an amazing duo

Usage Period : 6 months - 1 year

Purchase Point : Shopee



18 and Under

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

14 Sep 2021

jejesimelda doesn't recommend this product!

Buat harga se-pricey ini sepertinya tdk worth it ya. Ga bikin kulit yg wow gt abis cuci muka. Tp over all emang gentle bgt di kulit, wanginya jg soft biasa aja, utk performa membersihkannya sih dia so-so aja ya krn pas aku pake exo toner msh banyak aja cokelat2 nya *haha

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point : Shopee



30 - 34

Combination, Medium Light, Warm

29 Aug 2021

fannyverona recommends this product!

udah nyobain 40an cleanser, dan ini beneran cleanser yang cleanse perfectly. efeknya bener2 bersih dan seger, dan menjaga kulit tetep sehat aja, tp gak ada efek lain2 ya.. jadi kalau cm mau maintain aja ini bagus banget

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Shopee



35 - 39

Oily, Medium, Neutral

27 Dec 2020

Fesahbandar recommends this product!

Cleanser yg under rated kayanya padahal performanya ok banget. Beli travel size pas sephora sale dan dlm waktu kurang dr 3 bln langsung mau beli full size nya. Bener2 deep clean, walopun ga banyak busa. No strip at all utk kulitku yg oily. Mahal sih, tapi super worthed!

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Brand website



19 - 24

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

25 Oct 2020

Vennamaurizka recommends this product!

Please please kalo punya budget lebih cobain ini, ini cleanser di aku sangat amat magical. Dia rasanya sangat gentle di kulit, ngga ada busanya, tapi bersiiihhh! aku pernah waktu itu lg breakout akhirnya decide untuk ngga pake skincare selama seminggu cuma cuci muka pake ini + sunscreen. guess what? semua bruntusan ilang, iya iya emg mahalbgt:( tp aku gapernah ngerasain ada sabun cuci muka yg bisa sembuhin bruntusanku sendirian selain ini 🥺

Usage Period : 6 months - 1 year

Purchase Point : Instagram



30 - 34

Oily, Light, Neutral

27 Apr 2020

aulfrnsca recommends this product!

Buat yang punya budget berlebih produk ini WAJIB banget dicobain. Setiap cuci muka pake YTTP selalu ngerasa kulit jadi sehat. Untuk yang pake base makeup everyday bakal butuh double cleansing sih, tapi for me yang jarang banget pake foundation, pake produk ini aja udah cukup. Bintangnya 4 aja karena terlalu mahal untuk facial wash, but for the quality i’ll say give it a try.

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Shopee



25 - 29

Combination, Medium, Warm

19 Oct 2019

elokputri recommends this product!

Never thought I'd love kale & spinach in a cleanser (I don't eat vegetables). But I love the cleanser smells sooo much! So fresh like a juice. Bikin pengen cuci muka terus rasanya 😂. Hydrating dan bikin kulit jd supple. Meskipun harganya ga murah, but it's really worth the price. Will definitely repurchase in full size

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Sephora



35 - 39

Combination, Medium Light, Warm

13 Feb 2019

Cleansernya udah abis hampir sebulan tapi masih kepikiran pengen beli lagi. Jarang-jarang kangen sama cleanser, biasanya mandek itu aja sampe bosen. Kepingin lagi karena nyari segernya, pori-pori jadi lebih bersih, hydrating, gak bikin kering, dan wanginya enak! Klaimnya emang untuk oiliness, dullness, uneven texture. Maklum hari-hari pakai cleanser unscented dan soapless, jadi kadang agak boring. Paling berasa pas lagi sering ngojol, naik kereta, jalan kaki, terpapar polusi trus pulang2 jadi pengen cuci muka sama YTTP tapi udah habis. Cleanser ini ngingetin sama mantanku Cosrx Low pH versi tanpa EO dan BHA, tapi ada Green Tea, Kale, Spinach dan Vit C (AA).

The gel consistency does foam up tapi gak heboh, malah buihnya mereda kalo udah dioles ke muka. Definitely something I want to reach when my skin looks dull, clogged, need dose of freshness with non stripping formula and extra greenery. Walopun superfoods gini enaknya dimakan bukan dibilas 😋🥦
