Glow Recipe Blueberry Bounce Gentle Cleanser - Beauty Review

Glow Recipe

Blueberry Bounce Gentle Cleanser

Rp. 0



6 users

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35 - 39

Dry, Light, Cool

04 Jul 2022

sevenrain recommends this product!

glow recipe itu aroma semua produknya beneran kayak pengen ngejilat deh wkwkwk... ini tuh efek bersihnya emang really amazing! pori2 langsung keliatan kecil, sangking semua kotoran keangkat sama sabun ini. karna daya ngangkat kotorannya yang paten banget itulah, makanya setelah kering, kulit berasa ketarik sedikit. mungkin juga karna kulitku tipe kulit kering. tapi gak masalah, selagi berfungsi dengan amat sangat baik untuk ngangkat kotoran, gak masalah kulit berasa ketarik sedikit ahahaha

Glow Recipe Blueberry Bounce Gentle Cleanser imgfdn-4d9a370c-b94e-49db-bde0-1bdd23714e6a-2240703 1

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : Centro



19 - 24

Oily, Medium Light, Cool

15 Jul 2021

hanfrz recommends this product!

first of all, glow recipe packaging never fails to amaze me. even tho it's just a cleanser, but they really put attention to the details, for example, the bottle cap comes with a twist to make sure it's completely locked so you won't be spilling it out inside your traveling pouch. also it has a fun scent that kinda reminds me of blueberry scented hand soap. I'd give 4 stars for its performance, cz it is really giving you that sensation of squeaky clean without stripping your skin's natural oil. the only thing with this one is that I can't use it as an everyday cleanser as it is kinda irritating for me to have that scent twice a day.

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Brand website



25 - 29

Dry, Medium, Neutral

19 Jul 2020

gustinaretno recommends this product!

pake ini tiap malem.soalnya bener" ngebersihin muka.pas pertama kali pemakaian emang agak ketarik. tapi hari seterusnya lembab dan juga bersih banget rasanya. repurchase ? mungkin. soalnya susah juga nyarinya.

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Shopee



19 - 24

Oily, Medium Light, Neutral

21 Feb 2020

velarenciaa recommends this product!

suka sama ini. wanginya kyk sabun kodomo haha trs enaknya ini bersihin muka tanpa bikin muka kering ketarik. cocok buat kulit sensitif jg jd seneng pas beli ini. kemaren belinya yg size kecil buat coba2.. mungkin bakal repurchase

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Shopee



35 - 39

Combination, Medium Dark, Warm

31 Dec 2019

nadiadeaiswara doesn't recommend this product!

Awal pakai udh kerasa kulit kyk ketarik, tp masih mau ttp nyoba krn mgkn itu hanya reaksi pertama (plus mahal & susah dapetinnya). Tp setelah mencoba sebulan, akhirnya ga kuat krn kulit jd kering banget, iritasi, & kadang jd gatal saking kering nya. Mungkin harus extra pake hydrating products ya kalau mau pake lagi. tp kyknya stop aja deh krn produk lain lebih works. Ada yg mau pakai? Msh full bgt nih.

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Sephora Online



19 - 24

Oily, Medium Light, Neutral

27 Dec 2019

velarenciaa recommends this product!

wow.. enak pake ini ga bikin muka kering ketarik2 jg cocom buat muka sensitif. Ga bikin muka BO atau purging. Muka halus habis pakai ini. Aku pakai ini setiap pagi. Enak jg ada wanginya subtle ga yg ganggu.. mirip bau sabun kodomo haha.. Tp sayangnya bkn fav facial wash soalnya udh kepincut sama fwnya krave beauty.. Maybe repurchase kalau lg pgn

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Shopee