SNP Salironic Foam Cleanser - Beauty Review


Salironic Foam Cleanser

Rp. 160.000



19 users

Reviewed this

79% users

Recommended this


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19 - 24

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

20 Feb 2023 doesn't recommend this product!

Satu2nya produk yang aku gasuka dari SNP Salironic, padahal aku suka bgt sama spot gel dan moisturizernya :( Busanya melimpah, hasilnya setelah dibilas kulit jadi kering banget, bener2 kering kayak pakai sabun batangan buat muka, keset gitu loh. Menurutku ini lebih cocok buat kulit super duper oily. Sebagai pengguna gentle cleanser, aku ga akan repurchase ini sih, udah nyaman pakai cleanser yang moisturizing.

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point : PR Package



19 - 24

Oily, Medium, Warm

15 Sep 2022

DefaniihsaIzzaty recommends this product!

Tekturnya berwarna foam putih, aku kira bakal bening karena umumnya buat yang berjerawat dan sensitif punya tekstur gel bening. Isinya banyak kalo beli full sizenya sampe 180ml, tapi disini aku cobain dari samplenya mereka. Daya bersihnya oke, foamnya mudah dibusakan, walau gitu setelah dibilas bukan yang bikin narik gitu. Sabunnya menghilangkan minyak di wajah dan sisa kotoran setelah makeup. Tanpa aroma mengganggu. Dikulit yang ada jerawantnya masih oke ga bikin cekit-cekit pas dipakai walau ada kandungan AHA, BHA, PHA dan hyaluronic acid. Sejauh ini cuma ngebersihin aja, ga ada efek lembab setelahnya walau ada kandungan hyaluronic acid. Buat yang nyari cleanser yang daya bersihnya oke dan isinya banyak tapi ga bikin kering bisa cobain ini.

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point : Sample



19 - 24

Oily, Medium, Cool

13 Aug 2022

aaaisyah___ recommends this product!

Aku suka sama teksturnya yang foamy dan bikin kulit kesat setelah dipake tapi gak yang berasa sampe ketarik terus kering gitu kok. Karena efek kesatnya kulit berasa lebih bersih. Gak ada bau apapun dan cocok buat kulit sensitif sekalipun.

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : PR Package



19 - 24

Combination, Light, Neutral

09 May 2022

irene92124 doesn't recommend this product!

gue beli salironic series satu set, face wash, toner dan serum. yang gak nimbulin efek buruk, cuman face washnya ini. gak ngasih efek yg bagus juga gak ngasih efek yg buruk, jadi kayak yaudah sabun cuci muka biasa aja gt wkwk. cuman kurangnya, kadang bikin muka keset gt abis cuci muka

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Brand website



19 - 24

Dry, Medium Light, Neutral

27 Mar 2022

Lovable29 recommends this product!

■ This cleanser has quite a lot of foam so it is enough to use a small amount of product. I like that this cleanser cleans the rest of the sunscreen well and doesn't hurt my eyes when I use it.
easy to rinse with water and there is no slippery, dry and rough feeling. I also noticed that when the cleanser lathers, it smells like citrus but it's faint.
But it's okay because the smell is light 💜

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : PR Package



25 - 29

Oily, Medium Dark, Neutral

23 Mar 2022

arumdwns doesn't recommend this product!

Aku kira bakal cocok sama produk cleanser SNP Salironic ternyata engga :( dari kemasannya bulky ya kayak cleanser Celimax, teksturnya krim dan gak ada wangi apapun (unscented). Sayang sekali setelah pemakaian feelsnya tuh kesat, kering gitu di kulit. Nyoba pemakaian kedua juga gitu kurang nyaman jadinya.

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point : Instagram



30 - 34

Oily, Medium Dark, Warm

22 Mar 2022

akangskincare recommends this product!

FOAM CLEANSER -180 ml (160K)

Product Features Vs Experience 3 weeks :
- Removes dirt and dead skin cells >>> Yes
- Controls excess oil >>> there is improvement in sebum production
- Helps treat acne prone skin >>> calming and soothing the skin and acne

Cleanser clean the face while treating acne prone skin. The soft foam can balance the water and oil levels on the facial skin. Formulated with AHA, BHA, PHA and hyaluronic acid so it can help clean dead skin cells and excess oil without irritating facial skin.

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : PR Package



25 - 29

Combination, Medium Dark, Neutral

10 Mar 2022

edwinbartholo recommends this product!

𝗖𝗹𝗲𝗮𝗻𝘀𝗲𝗿= ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Texture wise is quite like whipped cream-lotion. It does have subtle foam. Has a distinct smell as other unscented cleanser in general (at least on my nose). Cleanse very well without leaving any residue, but sometimes it stripped down my skin. Sometimes. Prefer to use this in the morning during hot and humid days. Intinta di gw finishnya keset tp kadanf masih oke kadang langsung ketarik. Aneh ya kulit gw 🥲🤷🏻‍♂️ cocok2an yaaaa

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : PR Package



30 - 34

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

21 Feb 2022

selfianielmansyah recommends this product!

Typical foam cleanser yang gentle, memang diperuntukkan untuk yg kulitnya acne sensitive. Gak tll foamy dan setelah cuci muka juga gak kering ketarik gitu. So far bisa bgd dijadiin salah satu varian cleanser dikamar mandi, apalagi kalo muka lg gak oke. Ini bs jd penyelamat.

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Sample



25 - 29

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

16 Feb 2022

Eidiputri recommends this product!

Skin type ku combination cenderung kering. Sering breakout karna hormon & alergi SPF. Susah cari face wash & daily exfo toner untuk acne problem yg cocok dikulit sensitif ku. Seneng bisa cocok sama produk baru SNP ini. Facial wash nya bagus, lembut & gak stripping the face walaupun dipakai pagi hari/sehari 2x (pakai acne facial wash lain kulitku langsung kayak ketarik & kering soalnya). Memang untuk kulit kering & sensitif, packaging nya bagus & aman (warna ungunya super cute!). Cuma memang best di pair sama exfo tonernya karna bakal masih ada sisa² dirt setelah cuci muka. Tapi ini ampuh buat atasin beruntusan & acne ku so I'll repurchase

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Shopee
