Neutrogena Fine Fairness Cleanser - Beauty Review


Fine Fairness Cleanser

Rp. 175.000



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25 - 29

Oily, Medium Dark, Warm

24 Apr 2018

Salah satu cleanser dari drug store brand favorit Neutrogena~~. Bukan yang terbaik yang pernah gw coba dari brand ini sih, tapi dulu pas makai ini gk ada keluhan jadi bruntusan atau bikin kulit kering. Lumayan foamy jadi bisa dipake sama cleansing device kalau ada.



35 - 39

Combination, Medium Light, Warm

20 Apr 2017

I don't really like this FW, karena ada sensasi kulit muka jadi licin setelah selesai cuci muka, jd kesannya muka krg bersih (IMO). Dan ak jg ngerasa gak ada efek2 apa di muka, gak ngurangin minyak di muka, kulit mati gk terkelupas, dann pokoknya gak ada efek apa-apa kecuali kulit muka berasa jd lembab (which is I don't like krn kulit mukaku termasuk berminyak). Udah gt, mulut tube-nya nya jg gedee bgt, gk dipencet aja bs keluar banyak, jd wasting product too much (too poor).Dari segi busa, busanya byk, pake sedikit sdh cukup membersihkan satu muka. Repurchase? For me is NO.



25 - 29

Oily, Medium Light, Neutral

10 Jan 2017

Dengan kondisi wajahku yg berminyak dan acne prone, aku pake produk ini daily. Rasanya lembut, segar, bersih, dan yang paling penting gak bikin breakout. Sekarang udah pemakaian botol ke dua, dan belum kepikiran untuk ganti yang lain.


Blossom day

25 - 29

Oily, Light, Warm

09 Oct 2015

I got this cleanser as a gift from my aunty from taiwan. she is too generous that she gave these directly three of the same cleanser. when my usual cleanser is running out, I tried this cleanser almost one month.

I noticed that after washing my face, my face didn't too dry as I used my old cleanser. I don't have to hurry to apply my toner again. my face become so smooth and very moisturising just like baby skin..haha

And the smell of this cleanser just like floral. I read on the web that it has vitamin C in it, that is good for whitening.

After using this cleanser, my skin looked so brightening.

It helps removing my make up and the textured is very foamy.

since I got this as a gift, so I am not sure about the price. but I think the price from this brand is reasonable.

Now this cleanser is my holy grail, and I definitely want to ask my aunty to help me buy this cleanser again.