La Mer The Cleansing Micellar Water - Beauty Review

La Mer

The Cleansing Micellar Water

Rp. 95



4 users

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25 - 29

Dry, Medium Light, Warm

12 Oct 2023

karlakenini recommends this product!

pas tau la mer punya micellar water kaya ga tertarik karna "ah cuma micellar water" tapiii .. pas udh coba ko bagus?? kaya enak banget di muka ada sensasi dingin gt trs muka jd lebih sehat bersih gt loh? kaget .. kirain bakal kaya micellar kebanyakan ternyata ini enak dipakai nya mungkin karna kandungannya bagus beda dari micellar yg lain ya , dan akhirnya aku memutuskan untuk lanjut beli botol ke 2 hihi✨

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Shopee



25 - 29

Combination, Medium Light, Warm

15 Oct 2021

Eldy313 recommends this product!

Aku nyaris belom pernah gak cocok pakai Micellar water , pasti selalu cocok ! Yang membedakan daya bersihnya , gak semua yang harganya mahal bisa bagus . Tapi ini bagus, Micellar water termahal yang pernah aku coba 🙊 Gak ngerti kenapa kok bisa bisa nya aku beli ini 😩 biasanya aku pakai malem kalo ngerasa kulitku kotor banget dan butuh double cleansing , sekali usap , kulit berasa seger , bersih dan agak adem gitu 😍 jadi intinya aku pakai ini kalo kulitku berasa kotor banget / abis aktifitas seharian ya (Ga harus pakai everyday, seperlunya aja) terus yang aku suka, dia gak bikin drying, kulitnya masih lembab setelah pakai

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store



30 - 34

Normal, Light, Cool

02 Sep 2019

rency recommends this product!

Sorry to say ini mgkn micellar water termahal dan terburuk yg pernah aku coba. Kl dibandingkan sama brand BIOD*RM* aja bagusan itu kemana mana. Setelah pake ini muka jd kayak abis di parut, perih, merah, gatel. Pokoknya ga enak bgt efeknya. Aku tetep pake sampe habis krn harganya mahal bgt. Tp setelahnya aku dikasihpun ga mau, mending merek drugstore aja

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store



25 - 29

Combination, Light, Neutral

31 May 2019

I have just repurchased it on last week when my sister was in NYC. It costed $95 and I chose to be delivered with Overnight Shipping Delivery which costed $20. Therefore, I paid a total of $115. It arrived two days after I purchased it online. My sister received it and texted me that La Mer's Cleansing Micellar Water had been delivered. She flew back home days later, bringing it to me. I was really happy getting this cleansing micellar water and then started using it every night regularly afterwards. I have felt like my skin, the face and the neck, is smoother and softer. This cleansing micellar water removes all the makeup products off of my face completely clean with no residue left. It totally cleanses my skin, despite no water used in the process. It takes me five minutes in average to cleanse my face after one day of wearing full makeup on. That is quick and easy, I love it. I am going to repurchase The Cleansing Micellar Water when it empties👌🏻