Angelo Store Facial Wash - Beauty Review

Angelo Store

Facial Wash

Rp. 50.000



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25 - 29

Dry, Light, Neutral

01 Feb 2015

I found their online store accidentally, and quickly made several purchases: facial wash, face cream, body cream, perfume balm, soap bar, and body lotion.

I have two reasons why I am so curious about their products. First, it is simply because Angelo Store is a little family business and all of their recipes were passed on by their grandpa who was a healer. Penasaran sama racikannya healer! Ha ha ha. Kedua, they have unique aroma: Bali Flowers, Calming, Goddess, Goodness, and Cooling Fresh. Aroma lainnya sesungguhnya masih banyaaak, ada aroma bunga-bungaan, buah-buahan, green tea, jejamuan, seaweed, all botanical base ingredients lah pokoknya, but maybe I can find it on other brands. Nah, ceritanya karena penasaran, kalap lah saya pengen nyobain semua aroma yang namanya aneh-aneh itu! Thanks to Bli Komang yang sudah sabar banget ditanyain ina-itu sama saya he he he!

So this is my most favorite skincare product comes in travel size! Yuhuuu, senang banget karena facial wash ini praktis dan nggak ngabisin tempat pouch he he he. Komposisinya simpel: minyak kelapa, lidah buaya, rumput laut, rose, dan tea tree. Baunya tetep berasa ada Bali-balinya lho, lucu deh. Warna krimnya bening agak kekuningan, teksturnya lebih kental dari facial wash yang biasa saya beli di supermarket. Cara pakainya standar, dibusakan dengan air lalu dibasuhkan ke wajah secukupnya dan bilas. Begitu dipake, wajah langsung terasa keset, enteng, dan kencang. Seger! And as a plus plus plus, nggak ada rasa khawatir kulit bakal kenapa-kenapa in the long run karena produknya 100% natural dan organic. For the best results, jangan lupa olahraga karena keringat is actually one of the best skincare treatments, drink enough water, and always put your smile on!