Kevyn Aucoin The Celestial Highlighting Powder - Beauty Review

Kevyn Aucoin

The Celestial Highlighting Powder


Rp. 44



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25 - 29

Oily, Light, Warm

09 May 2020

aisyahadiani recommends this product!

I was (and still) not a highlight/ beaming/ gleaming cheek on point kind of girl. Main cause? Big pores. Any highlighter will enhance the appearance of my pores, especially the one with big chunks of shimmer / glitter. But this one!?! Its just my personal favorite. It is like I’m glowing from within. The shine is very subtle yet angelic, and I can pile it on for layers and layers but still look good. This is definitely my cup of tea. But for those of you who wanted that bling on your cheek? This one is not for you. It is very tiny and small but somehow I never manage to finish it up 🤣 its been more than a year and I can finally hit pan, score!

Usage Period : 6 months - 1 year

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store



35 - 39

Combination, Medium Light, Warm

01 Jul 2018

Highlighter terakhirku yg bertahan melewati proses decluttering... karena dari segi tekstur, warna, performa sampai packaging dapet banget.

Pertama, the packaging is minimalist and beautiful! Super sleek, kecil dan tutupnya mantep. Powdernya ga se-ringkih sculpting powder jadi ga terlalu takut kalau dibawa traveling ga akan hancur koq.

Makin kesini makin demen highlighter yg ga terlalu blinding. Si Candlelight ini pas banget, ga kuning ga putih dan ga medok juga! It gives subtle glow. Pakai di atas matte blush apapun cakep2 aja sih. Dan walaupun dia kecil tapi lumayan lama habisnya.