Dior Backstage Face Glow Palette - Beauty Review


Backstage Face Glow Palette

Rp. 0



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19 - 24

Dry, Light, Warm

18 Feb 2024

zalfanatya recommends this product!

I had been eyeing this palette for a while since I had been looking for a new highlighter & decided to splurge on this one. I really like the array of shades in the Universal 001 palette. The formula is highly pigmented, giving my skin a radiant and luminous glow that lasts all day. You can use this for a subtle or an intense highlight.

Dior Backstage Face Glow Palette imgfdn-53b2c7cc-4e96-4b1f-9261-9e38d7be794f-2555651 1
Dior Backstage Face Glow Palette imgfdn-2b264a7f-d332-485f-81d3-c502a922dfdc-2555651 2

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store



19 - 24

Combination, Light, Neutral

22 Jan 2024

kechysdiary recommends this product!

Loph banyak sama face palette Dior walaupun agak pricey! Bisa dipake buat highlighter, blush, dan bronzer. Colornya buildable di muka dan partikel glitter nya super halusss, jadi keliatan super cakep dan blinding (tapi masih soft gitu)!

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Sephora



19 - 24

Dry, Medium Light, Neutral

11 Dec 2023

kaniirafflesia recommends this product!

Aku bener bener gak nyesel beli ini, worth every penny banget! Ini blush super multifungsi. Bisa di pake jd bronzer, highlighter, blush, eyeshadow:”) dan warnanya cantik bangeeet, kalo jadi highlighter muka kita jd kayak naturally glowing aja gitu dari sananya karna partikel glitternya bener2 smooooothhh banget :”) kalo jadi blush juga cantik banget warnanya walaupun keliatan cooltone💗

Dior Backstage Face Glow Palette imgfdn-089a8996-faa7-4785-a11c-957be10321ed-2512044 1

Usage Period : 6 months - 1 year

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store



18 and Under

Oily, Light, Cool

08 Oct 2023

kargoca recommends this product!

awalnya beliin mami untuk birthday giftt, cuma siapa sih yang pake makeup ga sharing”an ama maminya?😂. walaupun di beliin buat mami, cuma boleh la sekali” kita pakai juga 😂😂. awalnya jujur b aja banget sih menurut aku, justru bingung “ini bagusnya apaan dah, b aja.” tapi sewaktu aku beli highlighter yg cukup affordable baru deh aku rasain. i realize kalau cuma highlighter ini yg bisa give that amazing glow on your skin apalagi pas foto! dia tuh ga nyatu” amat sama kulit but kayak kulit tuh ke reflect ama light dan jadinya kyak amazing wow gimana gitu. can’t explain it into words but it stays on your skin, it gave u those elegant look that makes ur look absolutely stunning. LOL 😂

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Shopee



19 - 24

Oily, Medium Light, Neutral

13 Sep 2023

rizkaardina recommends this product!

almost gave this product 5 stars kalo bukan karena harganya😭 oh wow this is very great, awal-awal punya aku kira i won’t like it that much karena aku sukanya highlighter yang blinding banget, the shinier the better the more blinding the more i love it! tapi ini sbnrnya glownya subtle, tapi bisadi build sampe jadi intensity yang kita mau, and it can give u that glow you desired, kalo mau natural glow from within juga bisa. pokoknya ini one of the best highlighter ive ever used. suka banget!

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Sephora



25 - 29

Oily, Medium, Neutral

31 Aug 2023

jihanpitaloka recommends this product!

Finally aku coba si dior backstage pallete ini, warnanya cantik2 bangeeeet 😍😍😍 digunakan daily juga bisa banget, padahal aku tuh paling males pake highlighter tapi pas pakai ini tuh tambah cantik makeupnya, semua warnanya worth it banget sih menurut aku, di ga begitu fallout juga saat digunakan, kayanya jadi salah satu produk kesayangan aku deh ini 🥰

Dior Backstage Face Glow Palette imgfdn-bbcbaacd-9f7b-4bc3-9db2-385cae12e8a6-2464328 1

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point : Sephora Online



30 - 34

Combination, Medium Light, Cool

31 Jul 2023

aryantiwidya recommends this product!

ini yg terbaik dari semua highlighter yg sudah ku coba sepanjang 10th terakhir. dulu ada ABH x amrezy, hanya ini jauuh lebih awet. bahkan di kelas brandnya sesama dior, seri ini buagua banget. blendable dan awet sampe hapus make up. hasilnya basah. yg dior couture hoghlighter malahan aku kurang suka. basahnya fake, aku gak suka aplg blindingnya kurenggggg

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : Brand website



25 - 29

Oily, Medium, Warm

18 Jul 2023

Haliyp recommends this product!

MAU NANGIIIIIS BAGUS BANGEEEEEET!!!! Jadi aku beli highlighter Dior ini karena bingung, sebelumnya udah beli Esqa tapi kayak ngerasa kurang pas di mukaku. Inget banget dulu MUA nikahanku pake ini dan hasilnya emang bagus. Finally, dengan ngerogoh kocek yg lebih aku beli palette ini di Sephora online, tapi sumpah hasilnya memuaskan pol. Pakenya effortless banget, swipe dikit langsung keluar warnanya. super pigmented dan gampang diblend. Glitternya tuh kecil-kecil jadi ga lebay dan keliatan natural, kayak glowing from within’ gitu loh. Biasanya kalo ga mau ribet aku pake palette ini buat eyeshadow juga. Worth every penny sih kalo menurutku 👍

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Sephora Online



19 - 24

Oily, Light, Neutral

14 Jul 2023

valerie_vlnc recommends this product!

2 kata: cakep abis🥹. Ini wishlish udah dari lama bgt akhirnya kesampean juga. Dia glitternya soft jadi kalau di kulit berminyak itu engga kelihatan kek minyakan tp lbh kek soft glow ajaa (wlpn minusnya ga se awet liquid highlighter) Semua warna juga kepake, cocok buat yg makeup kantoran sat set sat set. Packagingnya juga cantik obviously it’s dior. Minusnya harganya tdk friendly ☺️ definitely one of the best high end purchase for me!

Dior Backstage Face Glow Palette imgfdn-1e6fcb9d-f4ff-48d5-af75-f585ad512239-2437409 1

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Sephora



19 - 24

Combination, Light, Neutral

21 Jun 2023

poisonigy recommends this product!

wear this as my eyeshadow and highlighter. the shimmer is insanely perfect! suitable for dry and oily skin. waterproof also! it makes my face looks “glowy” rather than “giving oily looks”. for the white part i usually put it on my eye corner <3

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store
