Utama Spice Antiseptic Liquid Soap - Beauty Review

Utama Spice

Antiseptic Liquid Soap

Rp. 79.200



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30 - 34

Dry, Medium, Neutral

08 Jun 2022

niomz_ recommends this product!

Aku suka banget sama wangi sabun ini. Bahkan suka is understatement, lebih ke ngerasa nyaman dan merasa relax dengan aroma ini (yes, i know aku lebay 🙈). Dia aromanya semacam aroma spa dengan vibe Bali gitu, wangi dominannya warm sama nutty pokoknya enak banget dipakai kalok badan lagi capek banget dan butuh relaxing gitu. Tapi menurutku, ini bukan sabun yang digunakan untuk regularly twice a day gitu karena a bit drying (karena kandungan antisepticnya, i suppose), lebih enak dipakai setiap mandi sebelum tidur 😁

Usage Period : 6 months - 1 year

Purchase Point : Gift



25 - 29

Normal, Medium Light, Neutral

16 Jun 2016

My favourite! They claim it to be safe for face and body and I second them. It is a little drying but not as drying as regular soap. The scent to me is divine but i found this is really depends. Some people may find the scent too herbaceous, jamu like but i found this very Bali-Spa -ish, leaving my bathroom smelling like a balinese salon treatment room. It lathers a lot with help of konjac sponge. The liquid is not viscous at all, it is very runny and easy to work with even without a sponge - tho would takes up more than it does with a sponge or puff. A little downside comes when it comes to finding this gem. I can only get them at their online or offline store (in Ubud or in Gopa Town Centre, Sanur - any official offline store actually). Though sociolla carries a lot of other utama spice's product, this particular product is not available. All other retails like guardian and major supermarket in Bali do not carry this variant.For the price this is a new found treasure for me. For me getting off with less than 10$ a month is a steal for such quality.