The Soap Corner Head To Toe - Beauty Review

The Soap Corner

Head To Toe

Rp. 70.000



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19 - 24

Combination, Light, Cool

27 Sep 2020

jesslovita doesn't recommend this product!

kurang suka dengan wangi nya, dan harga agak terlalu mahal (menurut aku), warna nya juga kurang menarik. tapiiii aku suka bisa pakai untuk rambut juga, so far aku berkulit kepala sensitif, tapi oke sih pakai ini ga berketombe/iritasi, mungkin cocok ya untuk dibawa traveling. but the packaging could be better

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Instagram



25 - 29

Combination, Medium, Neutral

13 Oct 2015

The price above is for the 250mL size
If you're the kind of person who needs to smell good after you shower, you wouldn't like this one. It kind of smells weird since it's made from natural ingredients without fragrance added. I personally don't like the scent. However, once it's rinsed it wouldn't leave a smell on your body.
Just like its name, this soap can be used from head to toe. Meaning it can be used to clean your hair, your face, any part of your body. That's what I love about this soap. The colour of the shower gel itself is unappealing.