Marks & Spencer Pampering Cocoa Butter Shower Gel - Beauty Review

Marks & Spencer

Pampering Cocoa Butter Shower Gel

Rp. 50.000



5 users

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20% users

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19 - 24

Normal, Medium, Neutral

02 Oct 2019

symastna recommends this product!

wanginyaa enak dan manis, teksturnya dia gel gak kaya yang lain jadi sensasinya agak beda waktu dipake dan lumayan licin dikulit.

Setelah pake dia bikin kulit kenyal dan bener bener lembut ditambah lumayan tahan lama dikulit efek lembutnya.

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Gift



30 - 34

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

09 Mar 2019

texturenya gel, tapi beda banget sama variant lainnya. lebih licin pas dipake ke badan. wanginya soft banget, sehabis mandi gak bikin kulit kering tapi gak terlalu lembab juga di badan aku. honestly lebih suka variant china blue daripada yang ini, atau yang variant shea butter and coconut milk

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



45 and Above

Oily, Medium, Warm

12 Oct 2017

Karena dia gel, jadinya agak licin di banding sabun yang biasanya. Namun gak parah. Wanginya enak, tapi gak tahan. Lebih tepatnya, setelah mandi wanginya gak attach. jadi wanginya enak pas mandi aja. haha. beli lagi? maybe no.

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



30 - 34

Normal, Light, Neutral

30 Aug 2016

Ga terlalu suka ama body wash ini. Pas dicium kalo ga dipake mandi baunya quite ok, tapi kalo pas dipake mandi baunya hampir ga ada. Lumayan berbusa dan gampang dibilas. Ga lengket di kulit. But nothing special for this price. Won't repurchased it.

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



25 - 29

Oily, Medium Dark, Warm

15 Nov 2015

(+) Has a soft and sweet indulging scent of cocoa and vanilla
(+) Makes the skin feel smooth and moisturized
(+) Packaging works fine and looks cute
(+) Gives a lot of fluffy foam when used with a shower puff
(+) Easy to rinse off

(-) The scent doesn't stay on your skin
(-) Not a permanent line and it's already discontinued I think

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :