HUXLEY HUXLEY Body Wash ; Moroccan Gardener - Beauty Review


HUXLEY Body Wash ; Moroccan Gardener

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25 - 29

Oily, Light, Cool

09 Dec 2023

dwivietasya recommends this product!

Iseng beli ini karena diskoonnn hehe :3. But turns out aku ga gitu suka baunya. Baunya tuh amber (?) + nectarine + herb kayak kayu manis cengkeh gitu. Aku ga tau shisha kayak gimana cuma dalam penggambaran aku mungkin baunya kayak gini 😂. Ala ala gadis kretek jadinya yaa. Nozzlenya kecil jadi butuh 6 pump buat sabunan sebadan. Busanya lembut, abis bilas juga badan kerasa lembap tapi ga yg “seger” banget. Wangi ga bertahan lama mungkin karena orang korea gaada bb. Oh iya aku notice kalo sabunan pake ini tuh badanku kayak gatahan banget buat ga mandi 2x sehari. Berasa kayak ga bertahan gitu efek segernya jadi harus mandi 2x kalo ga gaenak badannya. Kayak lebih cepet berdaki kali yaa, pokoknya gitu deh ga seger badan.

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Whatsapp



25 - 29

Oily, Medium Light, Warm

02 Mar 2021

dhindaelok recommends this product!

Baunya aku suka banget, harum bunga mawar. Trus sabunnya ga bikin kering. Bikin lembab kulit. Kalo mandi pake sabun ini jadi kaya lagi mandi pake bunga mawar. Bikin relax banget aromanya. Kalo ada budget lebih buat beli sabun mandi, ini boleh dicoba.

Usage Period : 6 months - 1 year

Purchase Point : Gift



30 - 34

Dry, Medium, Neutral

17 Nov 2020

Khaulasaza recommends this product!

Wanginyaa enak relaxing banget, aku biasanya ga suka yang wangi2 tp ini enakk beneran tahan lama pulaa, body washnya gak terlalu kentel teksturnya dan berbusa walopun gak banyak jadi gak terlalu boros di pake sebadan paling butuh 3-4 pump / bisa juga pake shower puff, dibilas nggak licin juga nggak keset jadi enak rasanya di kulit, lembabb~⁣
Bakal perfect combo kalo dipake sama oilnya tapi aku gapunya wkwk

Yang nggak aku suka cuma harganya kayanya 😆, tapi ini worth to try! kalo ada pargum loundry wangi kaya ginii bakal kubeli sih 😆

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Gift



25 - 29

Dry, Medium, Warm

08 Nov 2020

ziyah519 recommends this product!

The body wash ingredients is fabulous with Huxley's scent signature, smells luxurious and elegant.

I like use Huxley cleansing gel in my body😂 but with foam and scent which is more rich and long lasting.
After I use the body wash, my bathroom like bloom garden. The scent effect is amazing, but relaxing too..🏵🌿

The body wash really gentle and cleansing well. My skin feels hydrates and moisturized at the same time.🚿After it my skin really fresh and soft, this is best for dry and sensitive skin💚

I really love this body wash😍 beside really good for my skin. Thi body wash makes my bath routine like spa, healing me from badmood and restore my energy🌱

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Shopee