Seven Cactus Soapworks Tres Leches Soap With Mango Butter - Beauty Review

Seven Cactus Soapworks

Tres Leches Soap With Mango Butter

Rp. 65.000



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30 - 34

Normal, Medium Light, Neutral

21 Sep 2015

lumayan cocok pake tres leches soap ini, wanginya gak terlalu suka sih.. tapi lumayan ampuh untuk kulit kering dan kadang kemerahan ini. abis pake sabun ini kulit jadi halus, lembab, ga perlu pake moisturizer lagi.. tapi rada susah dipakenya. gak masalah sih yang penting bisa mengatasi kulit kering.



25 - 29

Oily, Medium Light, Warm

11 Sep 2015

I'm head over heels with this soap. Looks sooo delicious with that mango swirl. And I always love Seven Cactus' packaging. Cantik banget and very ancient feeling with its stamp and rope. Wanginya gak gitu kerasa, sih. Very faint. Tapi yasudahlah ya, wong mandi pakai sabun yang wanginya super juga abis gitu dibasuh lagi lol.

My body skin is super dry. Udah gitu aku suka mager pakai lotion, and sometimes don't like the feeling of lotion on my skin jadi paling pake lotionnya malem doang sebelum tidur. Itu pun jarang. So at its worse times, kulitku kayak bersisik, busik jelek gitu. I like how this soap doesn't dry my skin out. Busanya juga banyaaakkk dan lembut banget. Habis mandi kerasa kulitnya lebih lentur dan halus.

Will I repurchase? Definitely. Especially variannya yang lain lol kan jadinya penasaraaan and I think her soaps suit my taste and my skin needs the most. Tapi yah aku kan belum coba banyak sabun dari soap artisan lain.