3CE Mood Recipe Face Blush - Beauty Review


Mood Recipe Face Blush

Mono Pink

Rp. 0



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19 - 24

Oily, Medium Light, Neutral

08 Jun 2020

alexazef recommends this product!

Beli ini karena iseng2 pengen coba product 3ce dan ternyata baguuuusss bangettt. pigmented, ngga lebay, dan uniknya lagi tahan lama tanpa aku harus2 touch up! buildable juga aaa pokoknya suka bgt dehh. packagingnya aja sih yang biasa aja, tapi overall I like it so much❤️

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Shopee



19 - 24

Normal, Medium Light, Neutral

16 Mar 2020

dethxlala recommends this product!

My current favorite blusher 😍 very suitable for daily bc warnanya not that pigmented (as you know how korean makeup products are). Gives you that natural flush, kayak seolah2 emang pipi kita uda pink bawaan padahal blushon 😋 packagingnya lucuu khas 3ce, but to be honest i kinda dont like the plastic soalnya jd terkesan cheap. But the product is nice overall

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Shopee



19 - 24

Oily, Light, Neutral

24 Sep 2019

tracywuisan recommends this product!

GA NGERTI LAGI SEBAGUS ITU! Awalnya keracunan lagi sama salah satu beauty vlogger yg ngomong kl produk ini enak banget di blend ke pipi.. and then aku beberapa kali nyoba banyak blush on dan susah banget ngeblend di pipiku gatau napa..tapi pas pakai blush on ini, GILASIH! Enak banget di blend nya..langsung nyatu, and then warnanya parah suka bangettt.. bikin wajah kt ga pucet dan kayak natural pink dr dalem.. bisa di build up jga klo pengen blush on yg ngejreng gt .. sukabangettt❤️

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Shopee



25 - 29

Normal, Light, Neutral

08 Apr 2019

CAN’T GET ENOUGH OF THIS PRODUCTS! I’m in love! Utk para blush lover out there (like me 😉), you should have this in your collection! Awalnya beli karena keracunan youtuber korean-american like Joan Kim and Edward Avila. But then, I fell in love! Blush nya bisa banget buat dipake daily (alias tipis tipis), sangat buildable (jadi mau dipake medok juga bisa 😂), dan very finely milled! I got all three shades from this Mood Recipe Collection and I cannot say I regret it. Packagingnya juga cantik banget, terbuat dari plastik velvet gtu plus monochrome sama warna blush di dalamnya. The only downside sih mungkin warna ini ga akan keliatan/suitable buat dark skin ya, as usual from Korean makeup products. But it works like a magic in my cheek ☺️ Def repurchase (but not in anytime soon, as we all know it takes foreverrrrrrrrr too finish blush powder🤣).



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