NYX Cream Blush - Beauty Review


Cream Blush


Rp. 159.383



12 users

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30 - 34

Combination, Light, Neutral

20 Jul 2021

valkyrie recommends this product!

Bought this few years back when I was still living in the US. Very pigmented. I'm heavy handed with my brush/BB jadi gampang bgt keliatan ngejreng. I really like the color. Tapi krn cuma butuh dikit bgt akhirnya sampe udah lwt shelves life nya banyak yg gak kepake. Kalo mgkn blush on yg powder gpp di simpen lebih lama but for creams lebih cpt masa expired nya setelah segel di buka.

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : ULTA



19 - 24

Oily, Medium Light, Neutral

20 May 2019

trixiemp recommends this product!

aku pakenya super dikit tapi bener2 jadi keliatan banget. somehow bagus, tapi berhubung mukaku agak kemerahan, jadinya kalo keringetan udah kayak kebakar mukanya. ladahal shadenya lumayan cakep lho. sayang banget begindang huhu

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Guardian



25 - 29

Combination, Light, Neutral

30 Apr 2019

I was purchasing this cream blush for the very first time today, this noon to be more exact. I was at a shopping mall, strolling around after having lunch. Suddenly, I remembered that I needed to purchase a new cream blush. According to female daily app, the reviews for cream blushes from NYX have been great. Therefore, I decided to purchase this product in this shade. I have been applying it for four hours since purchasing it. I have looked through my cheeks and this cream blush does not crease or grease at all. I will be having it on for the next two hours before wiping it off of my face. I will repurchase it for sure🧡

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



30 - 34

Combination, Light, Neutral

30 Jan 2019

Awal pake aku panik soalnya blom sempet ngblend dgn rata eh dia udh kering duluan. 😪
Jadi skarang aku akalin, pakenya harus cepet dan buru-buru dibaurin pake spons biar rata, biar cakep.. Hasilnya, lumayan 😆😅

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



30 - 34

Dry, Medium Dark, Neutral

18 Dec 2018

Cream blush pertamaku! Krn kulitku gelap, shade ini bagus bgt di aku, klo dipake tipis jd keliatan natural gitu. Isinya bnyk jd awet banget, dipake 2thn ga habis2 smpe akhirnya terpaksa dibuang krn expired. Mungkin lain kali akan repurchase, tp tidak dlm waktu dekat soalnya lagi suka coba-coba cream blush lain, hehe :p

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



30 - 34

Dry, Medium Light, Warm

08 Nov 2018

Cream blus pertama yg aku punya dan pertama kalinya juga beli blush on yang wrn orange, krn dr dulu belinya wrn pink.. dan ternyata bagussss.. ketahannnya jg ckup laahh..mudah di blend mau pake sponge ato kuas sama2 bagus sih.. cman kalo dr pagi sampe mlm ga gt tahan.. mgkin stengah hari aja

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



25 - 29

Dry, Medium Light, Neutral

20 May 2018

Produk ini big NO buat aku. Susah diaplikasiin, hrs pake beauty blender dan gampang kering, pdhal uda disimpen disuhu ruang yah. Kalo diaplikasi pake jari susah banget rata nya, pdhal beli nya musti PO. Trs agak susah nentuin warna yg pas saking banyak pilihan warna nya...

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



25 - 29

Oily, Medium, Warm

05 May 2018

INI CREAM BLUSH ON pertama yang aku punya. warna nya bagus natural asalkan pakainya ditimpa bedak ? soalnya buat warna kulit aku yang seadanya ini kurang cocok klo dipakai secara tebal. aku lebih suka pakai tipis dan samar biar lebih natural ❤

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



25 - 29

Oily, Medium Light, Warm

07 Oct 2017

Cream blush pertamaku. Lupa2 inget sih ini gimana. Tapi warnanya cantik, jatohnya ga oren banget, lebih ke peach apalagi kalo dipake tipis2. Isi produknya banyak banget, dipake kayak ga habis2. Seingetku terakhir ini mengeras gitu, susah diambil produknya. Jadi aku stop pake deh

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



25 - 29

Combination, Medium Dark, Neutral

30 Sep 2017

Aku pake ini sampe bener2 abis.. Warnanya keliatan gonjreng bgt gitu, tp krn cream blush aku dab dab dikit2 dulu, klo kurang baru rebuild. Saranku sih jgn pake di atas bedak, medok bgt ntar. Klo sebelum bedak hasilnya natural fresh gt..buat medium tan kyk aku cocok bgt sih warnanya..awet juga loh.. jd worth to try!

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :
