Natasha Denona Love Cheek Duo - Beauty Review

Natasha Denona

Love Cheek Duo

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30 - 34

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

09 Jun 2022

kittylestrange91 recommends this product!

udah naksir produk ini sebenernya udah lama banget, cuma tiap mau beli abis terus, akhirnya bulan lalu liat Sephora udah masukin produknya Natasha Denona, dan kebetulan banget dpt free gift jadi yaudah cus beli. packagingnya lucu banget, warna pink trus ada kaya air" yg di snowglobe gitu loh. sesuai namanya ini cheek duo, isinya ada cream blush sama highlighter. ini isinya lumayan gede sih, jadi pasti lumayan lama abisnya. cream blush nya warna pink coral, teksturnya creamy yg bener" cream bukan cream to powder formula, dipake diatas powder pun dia masih nempel, masih bisa di blend, dan ngga ngangkat produk dibawahnya, ngga patchy juga. pigmentasinya juga bagus, aku saranin pake nya dikit" aja dulu trus dibuild up sampe ke intensitas warna yg diinginkan. yg bikin aku excited sama cheek palette ini of course highlighter nya, karena ini warnanya pink & golden champagne, dan dia ini duo chrome, bukan Shimmer biasa 😆 dia ada butiran Shimmer yg agak gede dan kalo dari Deket itu keliatan, tapi kalo dari jauh sih ngga keliatan. karena dia ini duo chrome, reflect nya cakep sih, dan aku pake dikit" aja masih keliatan natural. mungkin karena emang satu palette, si highlighter nya cakep banget sih pas dipake brng blush nya, bener" nyatu dan warnanya juga compliment satu sama lain gitu. overall if you have extra money and you want to splurge, this cheek palette is okay, apalagi kalo pengen cari cream blush sama highlighter disatu palette tanpa bronzer atau contour shade didlmnya.

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Sephora Online



25 - 29

Combination, Light, Neutral

23 May 2021

majimasan doesn't recommend this product!

I got this on sale and it's not a bad product, but not the best either. If you like a subtle highlighter formula like BECCA's (like me), the highlighter feels too glittery. It's very obvious in person, but it still looks stunning without making you a disco ball on camera. The cream blush is pigmented but easy to blend, I have better opinion of it than the accompanying highlighter. But you can get similar result from CANMAKE Cream Cheek at fraction of its price. 😅 In fact... I like the CANMAKE formula better, sliiiiightly. Overall I don't regret getting it because it really is cute 🥺 and I plan to use the highlighter shade as eyeshadow instead.

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point : Sephora Online



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