Realfood Hair Power - Beauty Review


Hair Power

Rp. 650.000



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25 - 29

Combination, Light, Cool

09 Dec 2023

anastasianovita88 recommends this product!

This is one of the best hair investment I've ever purchased! This hair bird nest supplement really works on me! It helps in reducing my hair loss and it can be seen after I drank the hair trial program (6 days program twice) and it can be drunk daily for 6 days. After that, I bought the 12-day program to continue maintaining its effect (I got Realfood Up 3 bottle as a complementary gift). Every time I shampoo my hair and rinse it off, the hair loss is gone. Even after I comb my hair, I only loss 1 piece of hair. I really like its taste. It contains aloe vera and zinc with additional vitamin, like A, E, C. The packaging is very safe for its content because its from glass jar. I'll definitely repurchase it again in the future, especially when there's a promotion.

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Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : Shopee