Frank Frank Body A-Beauty Coffee Scrub - Beauty Review


Frank Body A-Beauty Coffee Scrub

A-Beauty Scrub

Rp. 1.895



4 users

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25 - 29

Dry, Medium Light, Neutral

15 Nov 2021

taraarmani recommends this product!

SUKA BANGETTT!!!! Sesuai claim nya sih katanga varian ini 2x lebih mencerahkan daripada varian biasanya. Scrub frank ga pernah mengecewakan sih, kulit jadi lembut banget, lembab dan jadi kayak sehat banget kulitnya. Lumayan bisa menyamarkan strechmark meskipun ga ilang banget tapi udah lumayan ada progressnya mulai samar-samar. Worth to buy banget! Selalu berharap frank punya store di indo biar gampang repurchasenya🥺

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : LINE@



19 - 24

Combination, Medium Light, Warm

16 Nov 2020

andini_rizkya recommends this product!

Omg ive only used this twice and im in love!!! If u love instant results, u have to get this sih, my problems are acne scars in my back and rough bumpy skin on the back of my arm which completely diminishes it after first use, tp ofc harus di maintainn moisture nya, aku pakee organic body butter miels super good jg! My friend used the original one & told me effectnya gaa woww bgt, so thats why i tried this one! Aku sukaa dan bakal recommend everyone to get this sih, as for acne scars blm aku trackk lg sih , baunya kyk reminds me of rujak for some reason HAHA

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Shopee



19 - 24

Combination, Medium, Warm

01 Sep 2020

dyahfebri recommends this product!

Scrub termantul yg pernah aku coba, butirannya kasar sih namanya juga kopi. Tapi dia bisa rontokin daki, bikin alus kulit ayam, ama mudarin strecht mark. Worth the price tapi tolong dong kemasannya jangan plastik, jar kaca kek atau jar kaleng. Dia contains oil karna bikin minyakan, kalau kalian acne prone di punggung keknya pake ini kalo ga di bilas ampe bersih bisa ngetrigger jerawat🤔

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Shopee



19 - 24

Combination, Medium, Neutral

29 Aug 2020

cindycoanta recommends this product!

BAGUSSSS BGT! Sebelumnya aku 2x pakai yg peppermint 200gr tp ga ngaruh apa2 wkwkw. Pertama beli yg peppermint dan ga membuahkan hasil sih positive thinking krn jarang pake, tp pas rutin kedua jg b aja melembabkan aja dan wanginya enak bgt. Tp aku ttp percaya sm frankbody wlpn si peppermint b aja, beli deh yg ini, di international store frank aku liat reviewnya bagus buat red stretchmark jd ku beli. 2/3 minggu aku pake 2 hari sekal, fokus di bekas luka dan BENERBENER BERKURANG dongggg. Tp jujurrr, baunya gaenak bgt:(( Dr peppermint ke ini akh sampe ga sanggup hirup nafas pas lg scrub lengan:"

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Tokopedia