RoC Soleil Protexion Plus Anti-Brown Spot Fluid with SPF 50 Plus - Beauty Review


Soleil Protexion Plus Anti-Brown Spot Fluid with SPF 50 Plus

Rp. 310.000



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25 - 29

Combination, Light, Neutral

08 Jan 2021

gebyfir recommends this product!

Been using this product over yeaaaaars, dari umur 6tahun. Dulu distributor utama nya Jayanata ya di indonesia, sekarang kudu beli lewat ebay / jastip (for me). btw dia ini thick gitu texturenya, tapi memang kita dianjurkan u/ pakai tipis2 aja. Terus setelah diaplikasikan di muka, g berasa thicknya. Aman juga kalau mau ditumpuk makeup

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : Brand website



30 - 34

Combination, Medium Light, Cool

17 Mar 2019

Produk sunscreen favorite gw!! Ini kayaknya udh tube ke berapa gw yg pasti lebih dari 6, soalnya gw udh pake dari sekitar 1-2 taun lalu. Warna creamnya itu putih gt jadi emang kalo di pake bakalan naekin skin tone 1 tingkat, tapi itu yg bikin gw suka soalnya gw orangnya males bgt pake make up jadi setelah gw pake sunscreen ini langsung pake bedak tuh oke" aja. Pake sunscreen ini enaknya langsung nyerap dan dia ringan bgt berasa gak pake sunscreen. Harganya emang lumayan sih tapi gw tetep bakalan Repurchase karena emang sebagus itu di gw.



35 - 39

Normal, Medium, Neutral

19 Jun 2018

Pakai product sunscreen nya ROC dari 18 tahun yang lalu..
Suka banget, walau ada whitcast tapi dulu sih ngga merasa mengganggu.
Tapi semenjak 7 tahun belakangan susah mencari product ROC di Indonesia, dapat info kalau ROC sudah keluar dari Asia Tenggara. Paling sedih kehilangan tempat facial ROC nya yg cocok bgt buat muka ku. Akhirnya untuk mendapatkan produk ini sampai nitip kalau ada yg ke Perancis.
Dan belakangan lumayan sudah ketemu produk sunscreen drugstore pengganti.



40 - 44

Combination, Medium Dark, Warm

30 Mar 2018

Sangat impressive sama sunscreen ini. Texturenya cream tp ga lengket. Ada whitecast sedikit, tp setelah ya bikin kulit glowing. Aku notice pake ini waktu liburan ke Manado, panas2n, karena ga bawa sunscreen lain, aku pake seluruh badan ( kzl) dan setelahnya membuat kulitku tanned dan glowing keren banget. Hahah sayang counternya di PS udah ga ada, dan aku ga tau mau beli dimana ROc ini.



25 - 29

Dry, Medium, Neutral

18 Aug 2016

This the first suncreen I ever have. Dulu jaman jaman SMA selalu pakai ini karena saat itu bb cream belum booming.I cant fathom it, this product have great quality, but in other hand it's quite price, but price never lies.The one who recommended this product is my mother, I know you can't doubt the quality but when I was a senior high students this product's price makes my jaw drop seriously. Unfortunately, this brand is discontinue in Indonesia.



35 - 39

Combination, Medium, Neutral

17 Feb 2016

Pernah pakai produk ini, awalnya karena direkomendasikan sama dokter kulit beberapa tahun yang lalu. So far cocok di kulit saya yang kebetulan memang ada dark spots-nya. Krim ini mengandung spf 50 jadi bagus buat yang sering outdoor activity. Tapi sayangnya sekarang sulit mencari produk RoC. Mohon info kalau ada yang tahu di dept. store atau di apotik mana produk ini bisa diperoleh. Trims.



30 - 34

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

03 Dec 2015

My favorite sunscreen!!! Teh texture is watery, easily absorb to skin an i love the glowing effect after using this suncscreen.

It never break my skin out, very light and not makes my face oily. I love this sunscreen so much.

And i realize that my new dark spots fade slowly after using this.



25 - 29

Combination, Light, Neutral

09 Nov 2015

This Roc product is easy to apply, no pilling, not matte - but a natural finish. Definitely not greasy. I don't need a moisturizer with this. Have used around the eye area. I can apply makeup on top. Nice to try



30 - 34

Combination, Medium Light, Warm

08 Nov 2015

Favourite sunblock! Tekstur creamy tebel, gak bisa langsung nyerap, agak whitecast pas pertama apply, tapu setelah nyerap jadi base yg oke bgt buat make up, bedak lebih nempel smooth. Too bad skrg susah banget dicari, krn katanya roc uda keluar dari indo



19 - 24

Normal, Light, Neutral

08 Nov 2015

Although the texture of this product is creamy, it has a very lightweight feeling when applied (in the right amount). Unlike many other sunscreen that is watery in texture, I feel like I'm only using daily moisturizer with this product. It has a subtle fresh scent that goes by in no time after application, and it's surprising to have non-Japanese sunscreen that feels so light on the skin. The performance is impressive. It protects the skin properly throughout the day despite its lightweight feeling. Unfortunately this product is considered rare to find in local stores. But if I had any chance to get this, I definitely will.
