Guerlain Rouge Automatique - Discontinued - Beauty Review


Rouge Automatique - Discontinued

Champs Élysées

Rp. 490.000



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40 - 44

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

16 Aug 2021

TheresiaCahya recommends this product!

Guerlain Rouge Automatique Chamade No. 164 is my holy grail lipstick, and I am so sad I cannot find this in any Guerlain store anymore. The color, the texture - it compliments my skin tone and on me it does not look like I am wearing lipstick (even though I am). But Guerlain really does make the best lipsticks!

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store



25 - 29

Combination, Medium, Warm

25 Jun 2019

Packagingnya fancy banget juara 😂 lucu aku suka. warnanya emang yang gampang transfer dan harus di apply berkali kali. Tapi dia engga patchy sama sekali, nyaman bgt di bibir. Tapi kalau diluar ruangan warna ini bikin gigi jadi keliatan kuning😩 syg bgt.

Repurchase? maybe😭 lumayan bgt menguras cuan soalnya



19 - 24

Combination, Medium, Warm

30 Jul 2017

Slide on to push the lipstick out! The packaging is to die for.. So luxurious hence i'll always love guerlain for that quality. But the price also makes ur wallet bleed ..haha.This lippen render not matte and not too glossy results on my lips. Not drying as well. Tapi yah gitu.. Sayang makenya! For rotation i have milani lipstick from drugstore with same qualities.. Yang guerlain buat special occasions aja



25 - 29

Oily, Light, Warm

19 Sep 2016

I have the shade 262, shimmery fuschia color. Cakep warnanya di bibir. It's pretty sheer though. Feels very comfy on the lips and moisturizing as well. Packaging is a 5 star. Unik banget and I love to have this in my collection.



Oily, Medium Light, Warm

20 May 2016

Punya yang nomor 740 (orange) dan 762 ( lebih ke warna ungu). Suka packagingnya. Lipstik ini hydrating banget. Kulit bibir tidak mengelupas. Biasanya kalau pakai lipstik seperti ini pasti pecah2 kulitnya. Yang ini tidak sama sekali. Highly recommended. Untuk pemakaian biasa gw ga terlalu yang menor banget, paling cuma 2 kali sapuan, asal uda ada warna saja. Tapi kalau dipakai untuk minum, warnanya jadi agak hilang meskipun masih tetap keliatan warnanya si jadi bibir ga terlalu pucat. Warnanya agak hilang mungkin karena saya pakainya juga tipis2 saja.



25 - 29

Combination, Medium Light, Warm

11 Sep 2015

Guerlain never fails me.
I love the color, the packaging. I don't always fancy a matte lipstick, so a shiny and sheer lipstick surely a mood changer for me. The color is gorgeous, it's not sticky and not hydrating as well. In the next 3-5hours it's kinda drying.
The packaging is so divine, i really dig into it, but the downside is because it's not the usual turn around lipstick, it's a pull-the-lever-and-it-come-out lipstick (i don't know what it's called), sometimes I don't really put attention which is the upside and the bottom of this lipstick and when i pull it out, turns out it's the bottom so the lipstick got into my palm (get the picture?). Also a tiny dirt can get into the tube because it doesn't have a cap, only a slide closing.
But overall, i love it!



25 - 29

Oily, Medium, Warm

19 Aug 2015

Punya warna.. Lupa apa namanya, tapi warna coral dengan shimmer gitu (?) *tidak membantu*
Kesan pertama sih, just like another Guerlain's product, GOD INI PACKAGING KEREN BANGET OMG OMG (dan menghabiskan lima menit sendiri buat masukin-ngelaurin lipstiknya, kudet) tapi aps dioles ke bibir.. Akk.. Oke, jauh dari matte. Malah sama sekali engga keluar warnanya, hahaha. FYI bibir saya gelap juga sih. Jadi berasa pake gloss dengan hint oranye saja. But it's hydrating. Mungkin buat yang suka dengan jenis sheer akan suka dengan benda ini (jujur saya sih asal beli karena suka packaging doang) :p



25 - 29

Oily, Medium, Warm

03 Oct 2013

Lipstick ini bener2 hydrating dan moisturizing, glides easily, tapi quite long lasting. Aku punya yang shade Champs-Élysées, it's a beautiful fuschia, not too bright nor dark. Packagingnya juga unik, mewah. Sayang harganya lumayan mahal, sebenernya banyak juga drugstore brand yang kualitasnya sama kayak lipstick ini. Tapi kalo ngomongin soal prestige untuk beli brand nya sih, it's ok.