Sephora Daily Brush Cleaner - Beauty Review


Daily Brush Cleaner

Rp. 120.000



13 users

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19 - 24

Oily, Medium, Neutral

25 Nov 2021

Adiansyah recommends this product!

Cocok banget untuk gue yang nggak rajin mandiin brush :D. Jadi setiap habis pakai, langsung semprot2 ini aja ke brushnya dan di lap ke tissue. Keliatan banget deh kotorannya langsung nempel dan brushnya jadi lebih bersih. Nggak perlu dirinse pakai air lagi. Kalo suka

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : FD Try and Review



30 - 34

Combination, Light, Warm

14 Jun 2018

baguuussssssss sihh.. baca review nya itu ada anti bacterial nya juga, jadi enak banget buat brush ku tetep steril dan bagus.. trus gampang banget kan dipakenya, gak ada bau alkohol kenceng gitu lagi.. sukakk dehh



30 - 34

Combination, Medium Light, Warm

27 Jun 2017

Murah, bagus & mudah penggunaannya.Buat saya yang agak malas menyisakan waktu untuk membersihkan kuas, product ini oke sekali. Tidak perlu waktu banyak buat bersihin kuas.Dan ga bikin kuas rontok, Selain itu harganya juga terjangkau.



30 - 34

Combination, Medium, Neutral

24 Jul 2016

Harga terjangkau dan brushnya bersih. Ada antibakterialnya juga.. ga bikin rontok brush. Nyuci sponge juga bs bersih walopun ga sampe putih kayak baru. Ada fragrance khas soap gitu tapi sedikit, ga strong. Pakenya sedikit juga udh bersih dan bs ngejangkau bagian dalam brushnya.



25 - 29

Combination, Medium Light, Warm

21 May 2016

One thing that I absolutely love love love about this product, is the
spray pump. I cannot say enough great things about that. I'd usually use
2 sprays onto a piece of tissue or paper towel and then clean my brush
back and forth, watching excitedly as the product would easily wipe
right off! I'm so easily amused.



19 - 24

Combination, Light, Warm

27 Mar 2016

Berhubung aku suka pakai brush tools, jadi kebersihannya aku juga merawat dengan sephora brush cleaner ini yang mengandung antibakteri biar nggak ragu pake dan ngga bikin kulit breakout, harganya terjangkau dan praktis pakainya semprot dan dilap dengan tisu, so far bagus ☺



25 - 29

Combination, Light, Neutral

30 Nov 2015

I love this stuff. I use it a lot and I still have almost a full bottle after 3 months of use! I don't often see drug store brush cleaners in my area, so I will repurchase unless I feel like trying a new one. I still deep clean with baby shampoo as often as I remember, but this is great for when I need to quickly use a brush that hasn't been cleaned yet.



30 - 34

Oily, Medium, Warm

23 Nov 2015

I like to use this during the week to keep the amount of product build up down in my brushes. It does the job quite well to, I'd spray both onto a microfibre cloth and onto my brush heads and just swirl it around and so much product gets removed, which is great when you don't want white brush hairs to be stained another colour. Probably the only thing I don't like about it is the smell that it leaves on the brushes but its gone by the next morning.



35 - 39

Combination, Medium Light, Warm

13 Nov 2015

peacockgreen doesn't recommend this product!

Aku hanya pernah coba untuk membersihkan kuas eyeshadow. Lumayan bersih dan cepat kering, tapi untuk kuas bekas cream belum pernah, mending langsung dicuci dengan sabun saja.

Menurutku penggunaan daily brush cleaner ini agak boros. Nilai plusnya sih produk ini tidak mengandung wewangian jadi nggak bikin bulu kuas berbau aneh.

Sephora Daily Brush Cleaner imgfdnrev-aec39b7e-2145-4efc-8048-fa59df1c27a2-59836 1

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point : Sephora Online



35 - 39

Combination, Light, Cool

12 Nov 2015

kenal daily brush celaner ini dari kk ipar yg kerjaannya MUA.pas iseng liat dia mandiin brush2nya wow..gitu doang ya cuma semprot2.jadilah aku ikutan PO buat beli brush cleaner ini.
Pakenya bener2 gampang,cuma tinggal semprot ke brushnya trus di sweep dikit pake tissue wajah,dan brushnya lgsg bersih deh. yatapi kalo aku sih pake daily brush cleanser ini kalo bener2 gak ada waktu mandiin brush2 itu dan keburu mau dipake lagi,tp kalo pas nyantei ttp aku bersihin brush spt biasa yg pake aer dan diangin-anginin.
oya packagingnya juga botol dan udah dilengkapi spray yg gampang bgt dan udah ada antibacterialnya.Luv this product!
Repurchase? off course
