Serge Lutens Santal Majuscule - Beauty Review

Serge Lutens

Santal Majuscule


Rp. 120



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19 - 24

Oily, Medium Dark, Warm

24 Jan 2018

I add this product lol. This one is my moms. Were not a perfume user tapi beliau suka pakai kalau lagi dekat dekat ayah. I always
love this kind of smell even i love it better than the borneo 1834. I feel like i could bath in this ? well THE OPENING WAS
AWFUL. Its bitter. Gimana ya baunya nggak banget tapi lama lama it feels like it melts on my skin then there you have the rose
blooming from it. Lama lama sandalwoodnya nge blend and it gets creamier but still dry and turns to be romantic and suddenly youre
40 and having your life gets together on track or having a coffee in a gloomy paris evening with your celine crocodile skin
handbag. Sumpah seenak itu. I think its a bit feminine to be called "unisex". Mungkin gara gara rose and cocoa scentnya kali ya.
Kalau di rate its like rose-sandalwood-cocoa. This really fit you if youre rich. Karena aku belum rich dan belum kaya dan belum
elegant, imma wait to wear this?