Bobbi Brown Creamy Concealer - Beauty Review

Bobbi Brown

Creamy Concealer


Rp. 440.000



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25 - 29

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

12 Apr 2020

sheilmorrr recommends this product!

concealer highend favorit! biasanya gue pake biar under eye gue agar mata panda tersamarkan ga kaya org kelelahan. pas bgt yang gue pake shadenya sand, serupa sama warna kulit gue. teksturnya creamy mirip2 sama concealer nya benefit yg boeing, iseng2 make ini buat nutupin jerawat yg gede malah oke banget wkwkwkw gilsda, kemampuan meng-cover dan menyamarkan Acne/scars/imperfection benar2 mumpuni syekali, wajar aja ka nagita slavina sultan andara panutan kita semua juga pakai concealer ini 🤣🤣🤣

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store



25 - 29

Combination, Medium, Warm

28 Dec 2018

Concealer yang super creamy! Mudah diblend dan ga creasing bahkan setelah berjam-jam dipake. Awet, udah berbulan-bulan dipakai kayanya ga berkurang secara signifikan. Meskipun agak pricey untuk sekedar concealer, pasti akan repurchase lagi. *loveee



30 - 34

Oily, Light, Warm

10 Oct 2018

Di makeup-in ama temen dan dia pakai concealer ini dong! Pas aku pakai aku amaze banget dengan full coverage nya, teksture nya thick tapi creamy dan blendable banget! Temenku ga pake corrector lagi buat nutupin jerawat aku karena pakai concealer ini aja udah cover.. harga dan kualitas emang pengaruh sih, kalau ada budget lebih pasti beli ini sih..



25 - 29

Oily, Light, Warm

25 Feb 2016

Aku pakai creamy conceler shade ivory untuk under eye. Teksturnya creamy and quite thick, biasa aku blend dgn beauty blender terus langsung di set. coverage nya lumayan nutupin dark circles, dan ga creasing di aku.



25 - 29

Combination, Medium Light, Warm

11 Sep 2015

I mostly use this on my lid as an eyeshadow base, i know, it's not supposed to be. but I have oily skin and this product is not meant for oily skin type I guess because when I use this for my eyebag, it becomes streaky and patchy. but i found it work best when I use it as my eyeshadow base.



19 - 24

Combination, Light, Cool

19 Aug 2015

Aku beli produk ini sebagai set creamy concealer kit (berisi concealer dan setting powder), dan pemakaiannya bersamaan dengan BB corrector.

Aku cuma akan bahas mengenai concelaernya disini.
Tekstur concealer BB ini creamy dan cenderung thick, tetapi tidak se-thick BB corrector. untuk blendingnya bisa menggunakan jari ataupun blending brush, tetapi menurutku hasilnya lebih bagus menggunakan jari dengan sebelumnya dihangatkan di jari terlebih dahulu lalu cukup di tap-tap ringan ke mata.

Coveragenya sendiri light to medium, tidak terlalu bagus jika tanpa correctornya. Not really buildable coverage-nya, cenderung cakey dan menyebabkan crease kalau berlebihan.

Staying powernya bisa 10 - 12 jam tergantung aktivitas dan keadaan cuaca serta jenis kulit juga.

Overall menurutku concealer ini cukup bagus, tetapi terlalu mahal. I can name a few others with lower price and better or at least equal performance. Terlebih concealer ini terasa cukup berat ketika dipakai so tidak terlalu cocok untuk pemakaian sehari - hari.



19 - 24

Normal, Medium Light, Cool

09 Jul 2014

Just like the name, Creamy Concealer it is sure a really Creamy and Thick Concealer. The Thick Texture is in a good way, it doesn't cake under the eyes and it cover up my dark circle and instantly make me looks fresh !

Because of the SUPER Creamy and Thick Texture , The coverage is really High and Superb Pigmented. Not just work really well to cover under eye, But it works really well to cover up blemish too :)

But because of the Thick Formula, it is a bit hard to put the product in the under eye. i found out that using a brush really help a lot to make a line or dot then dab with your finger! When using this product you have to slowly dab with you ring finger to blend out the Concealer and warm the product. It is really Recommend to dab than swap it !

The staying power is really long lasting it doesn't easily melt without the powder, if you bought the Concealer Kit, it contain the concealer and the powder to set the concealer and make it more long lasting.
For me, i don't really need the powder because it tend to make it more cakey, i don't know if it is just me or else, everyone have different type of skin right? And Hey.. I don't want to spend another money on the powder or products that make you look flat and cake right.
Another alternative is, you can just use your Face Powder to set it if you don't have one.


Overall, i'm quite Satisfied with the product, it became my favorite product on my collection instead it is little expensive for a small Product , but it really worth the price and the quality they offer. The product success to make me look fresher and younger because of the super coverage for heavy dark circle.
Now i don't have to worry anymore if i woke up and realized i look like a zombie with a huge and dark fluffy eyes.
For people who suffer a dark circle, this concealer might works well on you. So, start to save up if you have a tight budget to spend on Makeup Products.