Kanebo Coffret D or Full Smile Eyes - Beauty Review


Coffret D or Full Smile Eyes

01 Apricot Beige

Rp. 500.000



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25 - 29

Dry, Medium, Neutral

19 Jan 2016

Well, karena dasarnya aku pecinta makeup jepang jadi afdol kalau gak coba produk kanebo yang satu ini. Menurut aku warnanya oke, pigmentednya bagus, pemilihan warnanya jg sweet cocok banget untuk anak young adult macem aku. Trs aplikatornya juga enak di pakai.



25 - 29

Combination, Light, Neutral

18 Sep 2015

Salah satu brand makeup Asia yang kusukai. Eye-shadow nya warnanya cakep Dan wearable. Pigmentasi juga bagus, 2 Kali swipe USA lumyan krliatan. But I prefer pake spons basah biar lebih keluar. Texture nya lumyan empuk. Sayang harganya mahal mengingat warnanya yg cuma sedikit



25 - 29

Dry, Light, Cool

11 Sep 2015

Love love this eyeshadow very much. I tried to buy a autumn set, with similar price to its one package. The Autumn 2014 set contains this eyeshadow, a clear lipgloss, and a pink blusher. It's all pretty.

I got Apricot Beige, a brown shade which is very natural on my lid. The beige base color will make a best canvas for the entire colors. Apricot stands for its shimmery teary liner (the tiny coral color), which is perfect to set my waterline. It plump up my eyes, creating a cute, bright big eyes especially when smiling. This eyeshadow is my most favorite. The applicators are quite good, especially the brush is very soft. I was interested in Nagasaku Hiromi's ads for this eyeshadow, when her eyes was very pretty and plumping when smiling. It turns out very good for me too. I will try to buy their Autumn Set 2015 too.